WINTER 2016 Looking to travel in 2016? Care about conservation? Student Conservation Association SCA’s mission is to build the next generation of conservation leaders and inspire lifelong stewardship of the environment and communities by engaging young people in hands-on service to the land.
SCA’s mission is to build the next generation of conservation
leaders and inspire lifelong stewardship of the environment and
communities by engaging young people in hands-on service to the land.
National Crews
Rocky Mountain National Park to the Cumberland Island National
Seashore, from Amistad National Recreation Area to the Blue Ridge
Parkway public lands across the United States are in need of a little
TLC. SCA’s National Crews offer you a chance to visit places you’ve
never seen before, camping with your crew members in the field to enjoy
nature at its best. You’ll be building trails, conserving vital
habitats, and protecting natural resources for future generations.
National Crews will also set you on the path to other SCA opportunities,
like Trail Corps and Conservation Internships.
Application Deadline: March 2, 2016
National Crews
Rocky Mountain National Park to the Cumberland Island National
Seashore, from Amistad National Recreation Area to the Blue Ridge
Parkway public lands across the United States are in need of a little
TLC. SCA’s National Crews offer you a chance to visit places you’ve
never seen before, camping with your crew members in the field to enjoy
nature at its best. You’ll be building trails, conserving vital
habitats, and protecting natural resources for future generations.
National Crews will also set you on the path to other SCA opportunities,
like Trail Corps and Conservation Internships.
Application Deadline: March 2, 2016
National Crews:
Include 6 to 8 teenagers per crew
Serve 2 to 5 weeks in the summer
Are supervised by two experienced adult leaders
Are tuition free*
Are usually volunteer positions
Have highly competitive admissions
National Crew Members:
ŸComplete trail maintenance and restoration projects in national, regional, state, or local parks
ŸLive in tents** on site and cook their own meals
ŸDevelop collaboration and leadership skills
Work with other high school students from across the country
ŸLearn about local wildlife and help to preserve vital habitats
ŸLearn practical outdoor skills and practice Leave No Trace camping
ŸExplore local outdoor recreational opportunities with their crew on non-work days
The ideal candidate:
ŸIs 15 to 19 years old on the start date of the crew
ŸIs a current high school student, or graduated from high school the semester directly before the summer crew
ŸParticipates with extracurricular groups or volunteer organizations
ŸLikes working with people
ŸEnjoys spending time outdoors
ŸWants to learn more about ecology or environmental topics
2016 National Crew Program Dates
Candidates must be available for at least one of the date ranges
listed below. Wider dates of availability increase your chances of being
selected for a position.
Track 1
Track 2
Track 3
Track 4
2 Week Crews
6/6 to 6/19
6/13 to 6/26
7/11 to 7/24
7/25 to 8/7
3 Week Crews
6/6 to 6/26
6/13 to 7/3
7/11 to 7/31
7/25 to 8/14
4 Week Crews
6/6 to 7/3
6/13 to 7/10
7/11 to 8/7
7/25 to 8/21
5 Week Crews
6/6 to 7/10
6/13 to 7/17
7/11 to 8/14
7/25 to 8/28
How to apply:
SCA crew positions are highly competitive! Last year, less than half
of the candidates who applied received a position. Putting together an
outstanding application is the best way to make yourself stand out from
the crowd.
Login to MySCA (at the bottom of this page)
Complete the online SCA application, including the Youth:Crews section
Pay the one-time $25 application fee
Submit your application
Application Tips
Already have an SCA Crew application? Just update your dates, essays, preferences and references
Alum? Be sure to tell us how your SCA experience impacted you and why you want to do it again!
Apply early! SCA begins reviewing applications in late fall
Application Deadline: March 2, 2016. Your application must be complete and submitted by March 2nd to be considered.
2016 National Crew Admissions Process
SCA uses a rolling admissions process for the National Crew program.
This means that SCA reviews candidates and makes offers as
applications come in. Candidates may receive offers as early as January,
but many will not hear until late March. All candidates who are not
selected will receive a waitlist or decline email by April 1st.
If you accept an offer, SCA will reserve a spot for you in the
program and will send you a specific crew assignment as soon as a
suitable crew is confirmed. You should receive your crew assignment
between March 2nd and May 30th. You’ll have a final chance to accept or
decline once you know the details of your assignment.
January through March:
Offers sent to selected candidates
Selected members begin to receive specific crew assignments
April through May
April 1: All candidates who are not selected receive a waitlist or decline email
Offers sent to waitlist candidates as positions open up
Selected members continue to receive specific crew assignments
June through August
Offers sent to waitlist candidates if last minute spots open up
* Participants are responsible for the cost of travel between
the participant’s home and the crew location. All living costs are
covered during the crew. National Crew members are eligible for up to
$400 in financial aid to assist in the cost of travel. Members will
receive information about applying for financial aid when they receive
their crew assignment.
**Occasionally crews will live in dormitory-style housing.
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