Saturday, January 9, 2016

WINTER 2016 FREE Musuem of Modern Art workshops at MOMA APPLY NOW!

Take a free studio art class at MoMA. Join other teens to make art, work with contemporary artists, and create your own exhibition.


  • View and discuss modern and contemporary art in an open and supportive environment
  • Learn new art-making techniques in and experiment with a variety of materials
  • Meet other creative young artists from throughout NYC
In the Making
Free hands-on art classes for NYC high school students, ages 13–19. No experience necessary! MoMA provides all materials, food, studio space, and more. Each course meets three times a week on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, and culminates in a teen art show of participants' work. Applications are due January 8, 2016. Please note: these courses are available to New York City residents only. E-mail for more information.

WTF Is BHQF University?!?

TUESDAYS, FEB 9–APR 12, 4:00–6:30 PM
An Intro to Art School for People Who Hate School


Welcome to Bruce High Quality Foundation University (BHQFU), a free art school and learning experiment where artists work together to manifest creative, productive, demanding, and “useless” interactions between art and the world. This season, members of their notoriously secretive and anonymous organization will enlist a diverse group of New York–based artists to collaborate with participants across a variety of mediums—sculpture, performance, drawing, video, and more. Sample numerous approaches while working alongside some of NYC’s most interesting merry art pranksters. Each week’s session will be its own unique hands-on experience led by BHQFU artists and special guests, giving participants an immersive introduction in what it really means be an artist, with or without a formal education. Try art school before you buy art school.

CLICK@MoMA: Make Art Not War

TUESDAYS, FEB 9–APR 12, 4:00–6:30 PM
Transforming Military Materials into Social and Mobile Spaces

POWER Figures

THURSDAYS, FEB 11–APR 14, 4:00–6:30 PM
A Sculptural and Political Exploration of the Human Form

Acting Your Age

THURSDAYS, FEB 11–APR 14, 4:00–6:30 PM
Cross-Generational Performance and Photography

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