Saturday, January 9, 2016

WINTER 2016 Looking for summer 2016 options? Future Latino Leaders Law Camp FREE

Future Latino Leaders Law Camp

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Future Latino Leaders Law Camp

HNBF hosted 38 students from 13 different states in Washington, DC during Law Camp, held July 11-19, 2015 in Washington, DC
The 2016 Law Camp Program will take place July 16-24, 2016. HNBF will again start accepting applications for the 2016 Program on December 1, 2015. 
Please direct any application related questions to
The Future Latino Leaders Law Camp is a nine-day program run by the HNBF in Washington, DC and provides selected Latino high school students with the opportunity to learn more about the legal profession. Established by the HNBF in 2005, the Law Camp offers students the chance to come to DC and learn more about the college application process, meet influential Latino leaders, and tour national monuments and various government agencies.
The Law Camp is offered cost-free! However, there is a non-refundable application fee of $50 (fee waivers are granted based on financial need) and students are responsible for arranging their own transportation to and from DC (scholarships are available based on financial need). The HNBF is committed to working with accepted applicants and their families to ensure their ability to attend. Please do not allow the cost of transportation deter you from applying.
This is a fantastic opportunity for Latino high school students who are interested in law to travel to Washington and connect with their peers from across the country as well as meet other successful Latinos.


In order to apply and participate, you must meet the following criteria:
  • Be a high school student in the United States at the time of application (graduating seniors are eligible to apply)  
  • Have an interest in learning about law school and becoming a lawyer
  • Be a U.S. citizen, legal permanent resident or legal U.S. visitor with valid authorization
  • Have a demonstrated interest in helping your community and building your leadership skills

What students say about the Law Camp

  • "The best part about the Law Camp was the people. The students, the presenters, and the staff made the camp one of the most amazing weeks of my life. Hearing the success stories of people from similar backgrounds as me has inspired me, and showed me that the legal field is an amazing place for Hispanic people." L. Alvarez, 17
  • "[The Law Camp] changed my mind completely about entering college. At first I wasn't sure about going to college but now I am and I will go to college." J. Lopez, 16
  • "I am really interested in pursuing criminal law and political science after hearing the success stories of so many Latinos who overcame impossible odds." J. Guillen, 16
  • "[The Law Camp] has helped me develop many skills that will be useful. The Camp has definitely convinced me that I want to become a lawyer." A. Rosario, 16

Want more information?

Contact our Executive Director, Alba Lucero Villa at

Want to help us promote the Future Latino Leaders Law Camp?

You may also download the tri-fold brochure here.

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