Saturday, January 9, 2016

WINTER 2016 Looking for summer 2016 options? NYC Urban Debate League FREE

Why Summer Debate Camp?

Debate!  Fun!  Trophies!  Tournaments!  Prizes!  Raffles!  Special Events!  Games!  Ice Cream Parties! Politics and current events!… There’s hundreds of reasons to participate in debate camp.  If you like arguing, then you will find a home at debate camp!  If you want to learn public speaking skills, then there is no better place to learn than Debate Camp!  If you want to get ready for college, you will not find a more rigorous summer experience!  Students will learn researching, reading, writing, speaking, listening, notetaking, typing, technology, rhetoric, current events, political science, philosophy, history, geography – and every other subject and skill.  The daily schedule includes: (1) morning lecture and breakfast; (2) morning labs (labs divide up our students into small work group teams); (3) elective workshops (i.e. “Art of Cross Examination,” “Fallacies 101,” “Philosophy for Beginners,” “Toulmin – The Inventor of the Argument!”); (4) lunch; (5) afternoon labs and drills; (6) practice debates.  

Sample Weekly Schedule 

Day #1: Orientation, Diagnostics, Debate Games
Day #2: Debate Skills #1 – Public Speaking
Day #3: Debate Skills #2 – Argumentation and Rhetoric
Day #4: Debate Skills #3 – Note Taking
Day #5: Debate Skills #4 – Refutation and Fallacies
Day #6: Debate Skills #5 – The Art of Cross Examination
Day #7: Debate Skills #6 – Research
Day #8: Debate Skills #7 – Writing Your Affirmative & Negative Cases
Day #9: Debate Skills #8 – Introduction to Critical Theory & Philosophy
Day #10: Debate Skills #9 – Rebuttals, Judging, Judge Adaptation
Day #11: Summer Debate Tournament

Sample Daily Schedule

8:00am-9:00am – Breakfast & Daily Current Events Discussion
9:00am-9:15am – Review of Previous Material with Game & Prizes
9:15am-9:30am – Camp Announcements
9:30am-10:00am – Debate Skills & Activity Lecture #1 (large group)
10:00am-10:30am – Debate Skills & Activity Lecture #2 (large group)
10:30am-12:30pm – Debate Labs and Practice Debates (small groups)
12:00pm-1:00pm – Lunch
1:00pm-4:00pm – Advanced Lab for Varsity High School Debaters

Debate Camp Registration

Thanks to incredible supporters, our summer debate programs are free for Title I schools that are members of the New York City Urban Debate League.  If not a member of the NYC Debate League, we only charge the meals and camp T-shirt which is $100.  Our only goal is to make sure summer debate camp is accessible to all. 

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