Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Winter 2016 OppNet Prep will be hosting 30 enrichment programs from across New York City...Saturday, January 9th, 2016 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM Kirkland and Ellis, LLP 601 Lexington Ave, New York, New York

Saturday, January 9th, 2016
10:00 AM to 2:00 PM
Kirkland and Ellis, LLP
601 Lexington Ave, New York, New York

OppNet Prep 

will be hosting 30 enrichment programs 

from across New York City!


Please contact Kadiatou Tubman at
kadiatou@opportunitynetwork.org or
visit opportunitynetwork.org for more information.

Saturday, January 9th Ariel Lawrence: 646.460.7097
10:15am -2:00pm Renee Edwards: 718.759.8177

Note: An OppNet staff member will be in the lobby to take your attendance and issue your
security badge.
Nearest Subways:
 6 train to 51ST STREET. Exit at 51st and Lexington Avenue, walk 1 block north toward 53rd
ST Avenue. The building is located between 52nd St and 53rd St.
 E, M train to 53RD ST. Exit at 53rd ST and Lexington Avenue and walk toward Lexington
Ave. The building is located between 52nd St and 53rd St.
 4, 5 train to 59TH STREET. Exjit at 59th Street and Lexington Avenue, walk towards 53rd
Street and Lexington Ave. The building is located between 52nd St and 53rd St.
601 Lexington Ave, New York, NY 10022 Kadiatou Tubman: 347.791.5831

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