Saturday, January 23, 2016

Winter 2016 The application for the WHEELS 2016 International Service Learning trip is now LIVE!

The application for the WHEELS 2016 International Service Learning trip is now LIVE!

The Critical Theory and Social Justice Club is spearheading this initiative and we are finalizing the location but it will likely be to Port Au Prince or Cap Haitien in Haiti. The trip will be 6 days and will include a collaboratively designed service project, cultural immersion activities and some site seeing. Please share with any students you think would be positive additions to this trip (NOTE: they do not need to be members of the CTSJ club but will need to participate in our weekly planning meetings). 

7 students will be selected, spanning 10th, 11th and 12th grades. Those who are selected will participate in planning and fundraising efforts over the next two and a half months. The subsidized cost of the trip per student will be no more than $250.

Here is the application link: It is due by 5pm on Monday Feb 1, 2016. Late applications will not be considered. 

The Critical Theory and Social Justice Club is spearheading this initiative and we are finalizing the location but it will likely be to Port Au Prince or Cap Haitien in Haiti. The trip will be 6 days and will include a collaboratively designed service project, cultural immersion activities and some site seeing. Please share with any students you think would be positive additions to this trip (NOTE: they do not need to be members of the CTSJ club but will need to participate in our weekly planning meetings). 

7 students will be selected, spanning 10th, 11th and 12th grades. Those who are selected will participate in planning and fundraising efforts over the next two and a half months. The subsidized cost of the trip per student will be no more than $250.

Here is the application link: It is due by 5pm on Monday Feb 1, 2016. Late applications will not be considered. 

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