Saturday, January 9, 2016

WINTER 2016 Looking for summer 2016 options? Check out Sadie Nash Young Women's Leadership Project

The Sadie Nash Leadership Project is both an inspiring learning experience and a powerful community of young female leaders in NYC. Some of our leaders already know they will change the world; others are still realizing it. We offer summer and school-year programs.


This application is our way to get to know YOU better! We already believe that you are a leader and this your space to tell more about more that leadership. Have fun with it!

Sadie Nash is committed to diversity and inclusion meaning we serve all self-identified young women (this includes young people who identify as trans).

Our Summer Institute is an intensive 6-week program that will run from July 6 - August 14, 2015, Monday through Friday from 10am - 4:30pm.
To help you cover your expenses (food and transportation) during the summer you will receive a stipend during the program for everyday that you are there. You only receive the stipend when you are at the program because it covers those two direct costs that come with attendance.
SNLP does not allow more than 3 absences during the summer program. SNLP requires attendance for both the strength of the community and to enhance your experience.
We are so excited to meet you. The SNLP application is below. Please make sure to fill the entire application out now and click through to the final "Thank You" page. At the end, there will be more information on next steps and dates for interviews (make sure to look under the city you are applying to: Newark, NJ or New York City). Please see our application here>>

The ELLA Fellowship Program is based on SNLP’s central philosophy that opportunities for community leadership are integral to addressing issues affecting young women. ELLA is named for social activist, Ella Baker, and stands for Engage, Learn, Lead and Act. It is also means “she” in Spanish.

This Fellowship – the only one of its kind for young women that we know of – offers a 9-month, in-depth leadership training. Fellows are supported in designing and implementing a project to address a social justice issue in a community with which they identify. Program goals are to expand young women’s understanding of leadership, to deepen their program management skills, and to enhance young women’s confidence, resourcefulness, and creativity, as well as their potential for effective community leadership.

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