Friday, August 26, 2016

Fall 2016 YWCA GEEK GIRLS Interested in using science, technology, or art to impact your community? Want to meet other girls and women working in STEAAM fields?

YWCA Geek Girls - Registration Form
Interested in using science, technology, or art to impact your community?
Want to meet other girls and women working in STEAAM fields?
Would you be interested in doing all of this alongside a diverse group of amazing girls?YW Geek Girls offer self-identified high school girls and femmes a fun and interesting STEM experience, regardless of their prior experience in the field. This year, the group will be working on projects to make an impact on the upcoming presidential election. Learn how to code simple websites and apps that can help inform people of the decision they are going to make come November, develop a girls voting system and analyze trends in voting this year. Help to plan a girls election day and more!
Program highlights:
Extend your network and meet like-minded girls
Get access to women in STEM
Use STEM skills to create online and app resources for others
Election day party for girls!
Develop tools for others to use when making decisions about voting in the election
Program start date: September 22
Meetings: Thursdays through December 15
Program time: 4:30 – 6:30pm
Program location: 500 West 56th Street, between 10th and 11th aves
Questions? Email

Full Name 
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Date of Birth 
Phone number 
Your answer
Email Address 
Your answer
Home address 
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What is the best way to reach you? 
Your answer
Graduation Year 
Your answer
How did you hear about the program? 
By participating in the program, what do you hope to learn or gain from this experience? 
Your answer
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