Wednesday, August 24, 2016

FALL 2016 ELA CREDIT and WORK EXPERIENCE at the New York Public Library APPLY ASAP

Do you need an ELA elective credit for graduation? Interested in developing real-world skills through a paid mentoring and tutoring position? Fantastic! High School Literacy Leaders wants you!
What does it take to become a Literacy Leader?

If you are in the 10th, 11th, or 12th grade and you are enrolled in high school in New York City, you can become a Literacy Leader this fall.

From September to January, you will meet twice a week after school to learn how to become a great reading tutor while earning one ELA elective credit through the Department of Education.

What about the job?

After you successfully complete the fall internship, you can then become a paid employee of the New York Public Library. Imagine getting paid, building your resume, and being a leader all while working with first and second graders to help them improve their reading and writing skills!

Ready to become a Literacy Leader and join us this fall? Great! Reach out to our team of Education Coordinators with your name, school, and grade, and we will put you in contact with a coordinator at the closest branch.


115th Street Library – 203 West 115th Street, New York, NY, 10026
Claire Elowitt,, (347) 697-9911

Hamilton Fish Park Library – 415 East Houston Street, New York, NY, 10002
Shiuli Arshad,, (347) 326-2312

Washington Heights Library – 1000 St. Nicholas Avenue, New York, NY 10032
Lisa Goldstein,, (347) 697-9967


Mosholu Library – 285 East 205th Street, Bronx, NY, 10467
Michael Weinberg,, (34) 277-4413

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