Wednesday, August 24, 2016


Schomburg Teen Curators Program

Schomburg Education is excited to present the second season of our innovative youth education program: The Schomburg Teen Curators Program!

Teen Curators is an after-school art history enrichment program admitting 30 high school students each year. This art historical knowledge is acquired through curatorial projects and aesthetic engagements with collections at the Schomburg as well as other museums and cultural institutions. Through these processes students are exposed to behind-the-scenes work of museums and libraries (eg. collecting, preserving, archiving, and interpreting) and the pathways to professional careers in field. Teen Curators gain knowledge about black art history in the United States and across the world through the study of real works of art at the Schomburg Center and at other art spaces across the City. Students create exhibitions by researching and writing about art and artists. Over the course of the program students learn about arts careers and gather behind-the-scenes experiences in museums and libraries.

This tuition-free program uses arts education to increase the historical and cultural literacy of teenagers and promote their artistic, intellectual, and professional engagement. Teen Curators meet at the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, engage with its archives and travel to local museums and galleries to advance their art studies.

The Schomburg Teen Curators Program is generously funded for five years by The Pierre and Tana Matisse Foundation.

Applicants must be New York City high school students in good standing and must commit to the program schedule of 9 hours per week (see schedule information below).

CLICK HERE for the 2016-2017 Teen Curators Online Application Form.
Schomburg education staff contacts

Deirdre Hollman, Director of Education and Exhibitions |
Abigail Jefferson, Education Coordinator |
Aisha Becker-Burrowes, Administrative Assistant |
Program design

From October 11, 2016 through June 2017, the Schomburg Teen Curators will be immersed in aesthetic and academic experiences with the Schomburg’s collections through intensive art object study, art historical research and writing, archival presentations, living artist interviews, community programs, docent tour-giving, and hands-on curatorial and exhibition work. The Schomburg’s program is distinctive because it will integrate scholarly research into artistic endeavors—e.g., by incorporating manuscripts, sheet music, letters, and other paper and audiovisual media into teens’ artistic and curatorial projects; and by encouraging Teen Curators to produce and present multimedia exhibitions at the Schomburg Center, in the community, and in their schools.

Given the benefit of the Schomburg’s wide-ranging collections, program participants will have unparalleled opportunities to tell stories in interesting and unexpected ways—with the “freshness of vision” that Henri Matisse sought in his own work. By interviewing creative professionals, moreover, they will create new primary sources (i.e., their recorded interviews) to be added to the Schomburg’s holdings for use by future artists, researchers, and curators. The Schomburg Center’s unique position as the leading repository for art and artifacts related to the African-American, Afro-Latino, and African-Diasporan history provides a rare opportunity for urban youth to gain culturally-relevant knowledge about art as a tool for documenting diverse narratives and histories.

Teen Curators will meet for 9 hours each week — two afternoons each week and occasional Saturdays. At the conclusion of the program year in June, there will be a Teen Curators talk and presentation in which participants will unveil their exhibitions and engage the public in discussions about their professional development progress and aspirations.

Discovery Days: Tuesdays, 3:30–6:00PM

Discovery Days are designed for whole-group instruction and activities. Discovery days will primarily take place at the Schomburg Center, but field trips to museums and galleries may also be organized on Tuesdays or Thursdays.

Curator’s Studio: Thursdays, 3:30–6PM

Curator’s Studio time is envisioned as a required supervised study period for Teen Curators, who will make a commitment to attend Thursday Studios each week to advance their study, planning, and group work.

Saturdays: 10–1:30PM or 1–4:30PM

Teen Curators will take field trips to local museums and galleries to advance their art studies.
Summer internships

To advance their studies and fulfill the need for summer employment, Teen Curators can apply for four-week paid-internship positions at the Schomburg Center. Summer interns will utilize their growing expertise in positions that advance their professional development. To obtain one (of the ten) summer internship positions, candidates must have successfully completed the semester-long program, and they must commit to finishing the full summer term; in addition, they will be asked to write essays outlining their program and professional goals, and they will be invited to interview for their internship positions.

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