Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Fall 2016 WHEELS & Parsons Service Design Project APPLY ASAP.

Interested in college visits?  In creating systems that allow for WHEELS students and alumni to meet and work together?  

Consider applying for the WHEELS & Parsons Service Design Project.  Sign up outside of room 420.  

Ms. MacNeil

Here's what I think I know about would-be logistics for Y4 (2016-2017):
  • 6-10 sessions (September 2016-December 2016);
  • 6-10 WHEELS students; 
  • 10-12 Parsons students;
  • a yet to be determined number of WHEELS Alumni Association members;
  • WHEELS faculty advisors (2)
  • Parsons professor (1)
  • Wednesday afternoon sessions (at WHEELS and/or at Parsons) 3:50 PM-6:50 PM with all-together meetings generally running 4:00 PM-6:00 PM;
  • expectation that we will create opportunities for WHEELS students and WHEELS Alumni Association members to engage and create together in yet to be determined ways;
Our potential focusing questions include:
  • How can WHEELS students and WHEELS Alumni Association members create, plan for, and design systems to support opportunities for collaboration?
  • Why seek to create opportunities for WHEELS and WHEELS Alumni Association members to collaborate?
  • How can we calendar resulting, co-designed opportunities?

A little more about the history of the WHEELS/Parsons Service Design Partnership Project:
  • in 2013-2014 (Y1) and in 2014-2015 (Y2), students at WHEELS, Parsons (and The Fortune Society) worked together on what we now (usually) call The Ship's First Shape Was a Raft Project which yielded, among other things, pop up cafes in two sites. This partnership was supported by funds ($25,000) from The Collaboratory at The New School. WHEELS students also applied for and "won" $500,000 in funding for a community playground at WHEELS via NYC Participatory budget initiatives. WHEELS students also successfully petitioned to have the voting age for PB to be lowered, for The WHEELS Family Association to become active partners in subsequent PB initiatives, and for WHEELS to be a voting site for PB initiatives. 
  • in Y1, Y2, and Y3, WHEELS students work was featured on the Working With People
  • in Y3, WHEELS students were featured in Urban Pamphleteer
  • in 2015-2016 (Y3), WHEELS and Parsons students collaborated to create new protocols student docents to use when managing visitors to WHEELS;
  • in Y3, WHEELS students co-authored an article being considered for forthcoming publication in Together We Design;
  • in 2016-2017 (Y4) WHEELS and Parsons may include WHEELS Alumni Association members. 

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