Wednesday, August 24, 2016

FALL 2016 Applications for Wishbone summer 2017 (!!!) projects go live on September 1, 2016


Interested in exploring and feeding your passion?  Check out and start your summer 2017 application now!

Questions?  See me in room 420.


Ms. MacNeil

It's never too early to start thinking about next summer

In 2016, Wishbone sent 420+ students to summer programs to explore their passions. Along the way, we received great feedback from our communities that inspired us to make a few changes to our policies. You can read the full policy update on our blog here.

Rolling admissions
Wishbone's application for the summer of 2017 opens on September 1, and admissions are rolling! We encourage students to submit their applications as soon as possible to increase their chances of getting their first-choice programs.

Reduced Student Contribution
As usual, Wishbone will require accepted students to contribute to their fundraising campaigns to demonstrate their commitment to attending their summer programs. This year, we've reduced the Student Contribution to a flat rate of $99 so that students don't have to consider program cost when choosing a summer program.

Emphasis on Advocate-student relationships
After analyzing our data and speaking with Advocates, we’ve determined that Advocates who support one to two students per year have a better overall experience than Advocates who try to juggle additional students. This year,Wishbone's goal is to preserve our Advocates' sanity by limiting them to supporting a maximum of two students.

We're already looking forward to serving students in 2017 and would greatly appreciate your help spreading the word about our upcoming application cycle. More information to follow!

The Wishbone Team

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