Wednesday, August 24, 2016

FALL 2016 VOLUNTEER and become a community member at WordUp Books! Word Up is a multilingual, general-interest, nonprofit community bookshop and arts space in Washington Heights NYC.


The vast majority of us are residents of Northern Manhattan, and we do this on a 100% volunteer basis. We wouldn’t be able to do all we do if it weren’t for our daily, weekly, monthly, or whenever-we-have-a-moment meetings of comrades—to staff shifts, facilitate participation of all kinds, acquire books and furniture from all over the city, program events, hook up the technology, construct the analog systems, hash it out face to face, bring the comic relief, look to the future and live in the present, get our hands dirty, and administrate like the wind. We come together and do this as a community, to prove it can be done.
And of course, we invite you to JOIN US! If you would like to volunteer at Word Up in any capacity, please email volunteer [at] wordupbooks [dot] com.

Word Up is a multilingual, general-interest, nonprofit community bookshop and arts space in Washington Heights NYC.

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