Tuesday, August 30, 2016

FALL 2016 APPLY NOW to State Pre College Enrichment Program (S-PREP) at Columbia University’s College of Physicians and Surgeons Due 9/15

State Pre College Enrichment Program (S-PREP) 
at Columbia University’s College of Physicians and Surgeons

S-PREP is an academic enrichment and college preparation program designed for students who are seriously interested in pursuing a career in medicine or related STEM professions. The program offers enrichment courses and activities geared towards preparing students for success in math, and science. In addition to the rigorous academic schedule, the program also offers mandatory college preparation and career development workshops, college counseling services, field trips and college tours. The program is from October to May.

To apply students must be:
• New York State Residents
• Self-identify as African-American, Hispanic/Latino, Native American, or Alaskan Native or are economically disadvantaged (see economic eligibility guidelines in application appendix)
• Enrolled in grades 7 – 12.

Attached you will find the application, and an information flyer. If you have trouble downloading the attachments the application is also available online at: www.oda-ps.cumc.columbia.edu/sprep . The application deadline is September 15th, 2016.

College of Physicians & Surgeons
104 Haven Ave, VEC 10-03
New York, NY 10032
(Main) 212.305.4262 (Office) 212.305.4157
(Fax) 212.305.1049

Sunday, August 28, 2016

FALL 2016 SAVE THE DATE Friday, September 16, 2016 THE HARD ROAD TO ABOLITION//STRATEGIES TO WIN with Critical Resistance at The New School

Critical Resistance is excited to present Profiles in Abolition, a national series intended to reinvigorate a critical understanding of prison industrial complex abolition and inspire us to take creative and practical steps toward a liberated future – free of policing, imprisonment, or surveillance.

Featuring Ruthie Wilson Gilmore, Mariam Kaba of Project NIA and Survived & Punished, and Mujahid Farid of RAPP (Release Aging People in Prison). Moderated by Abraham Paulos of Families for Freedom.

A benefit for Critical Resistance. 

See more info about the Profiles in Abolition series and our speakers here: http://criticalresistance.org/abolition/

Friday, September 16, 2016 from 6:00 PM to 9:30 PM (EDT) - Add to Calendar

The New School 
The Auditorium, Alvin Johnson/J.M. Kaplan Hall
66 West 12th Street
New York, New York 10011

A limited number of lower priced tickets are available.  
Please see Ms. MacNeil if interested. 

Looking to support CR?

Are you part of an organization, school, foundation or network? Be a sponsor! 
Sponsoring this event:
  • helps subsidize tickets for formerly imprisoned people, youth, and low-income communities;
  • ensures the event participation is truly reflective of the movement we are building;
  • helps to advance strategic grassroots organizing and cultural work against prison expansion in NY;
  • demonstrates community support for creative movement building and rigorous, left analysis in these hopeful yet troubling times.

Friday, August 26, 2016

FALL 2016 YWCA Intensives Do you have an interest in learning how to produce music, take awesome pictures, develop a podcast, be an activist, or an entrepreneur? Are you looking to try something new with other high school girls? Then sign up for the YW Intensives!


YWCA Intensives
Do you have an interest in learning how to produce music, take awesome pictures, develop a podcast, be an activist, or an entrepreneur? Are you looking to try something new with other high school girls?
Then sign up for the YW Intensives!

The YW is offering a number of exciting and fun 5-6 session intensives during Fall 2016! Intensive summaries and information are below.

Questions? Reach out to Darcy Morales at dmorales@ywcanyc.org.
Location: 500 West 56th Street (between 10th and 11th aves)
All programs are free!
Your answer
Date of Birth 
Phone number 
Your answer
Email address 
Your answer
Home address 
Your answer
What is the best way to reach you? 
Your answer
Graduation Year 
Your answer
How did you hear about this program? 
Intensive Descriptions
All session dates are TBD. Sign up to receive information first about the intensive start dates!Music Production - Do you love music and want to make your own? This 5 week intensive will teach you how to use free, online software to make your very own music. Become a music entrepreneur!
Photography - Interested in learning how to use your phone or tablet to take dynamic pictures about your neighborhood or a cause that you're passionate about? In this intensive, learn how to take pictures that will make an impact on your community or the world!
Journalism and Podcasting - Ever wonder what techniques journalists use to interview someone? Is there someone you admire or want to learn more about? Learn how to voice record an interview and edit the audio for a podcast that anyone can download and listen to!
Dates will be released soon. Sign up to gain access to the intensives!

Which intensive(s) are you interested in? 
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