Saturday, April 9, 2016

SPRING 2016 VOLUNTEERS WANTED Wednesday, April 13, 2016 WHEELS FAmily Association NEEDS SET UP AND SITTERS!

Next week the WHEELS Family Association will have an international potluck for
the whole school (students, teachers, families).

If possible we would love your help setting up the event, and for those interested in
connecting with families to provide childcare (outside of school) we
will have a table set up for that purpose -- WHEELS Sitter/Tutor
Connection Table.

Let me know if you are available next Wednesday and looking forward to
seeing your families at the event too! We will be there starting at
4pm next Wednesday, April 13 setting up.

Thank you!

Virginia Annibale
Room 449 or

Family Association
511 West 182nd Street, Room 449
New York, New York 10033

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