Saturday, April 9, 2016


 Dear Student,

Have you received a score of 75+ on the ELA Regents exam? OR have you received an 80+ on the Algebra

Regents? Did you know that you that you need both scores to qualify for you to NOT take remedial

courses? If you have not achieved either of these scores, you should take advantage of the College Focus

Summer Program @ Borough Manhattan Community College.

The College Focus Program is an early intervention, pre-college activity, for Department Of Education students

whose Regents test scores qualify them to graduate high school but not to take college credits. The focus of

the program is to help NYC public high school students to not just meet CUNY standards for placement into

credit-bearing but also to acquire the range of skills necessary to succeed in college study.

In this free summer program, you will prepare to pass these tests. Passing these tests will exempt you from

remedial courses at CUNY and qualify you for college credit courses in your senior year of high

school. Participants will receive a Student Metrocard and lunch vouchers, and have an opportunity to take the

CUNY Assessment Test as a cohort at the conclusion of the program!

To apply, print and complete an application and submit the completed application to Diamond Brooks,

Academic Program Coordinator at

Please note, applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until classes are full.

Program Information

July 5, 2016 to August 28, 2016

Monday through Thursday

10:00am- 3:00pm

This is a pre-college activity.

Metrocards and lunch vouchers will be provided

Eligibility Requirements

• Be a New York City public high school student entering 12th grade in September 2014;

• Have an average daily high school attendance rate above 90%;

• Are not scheduled to attend summer school

• For ELA - Have a score between 65 and 74 on ELA Regents or an overall PSAT score

• For MATH - Have a score between 65 and 79 on Algebra Regents.

between 90-119; OR

Application Deadline: May 30, 2016

College Now @ Borough of Manhattan Community College

70 Murray Street, Room 1206A Tel: 212-346-8489

New York, NY 10007



I, ______________________, as a participant in the College Now program, understand that I am expected to:

Attend all class sessions for College Now.

 Complete all assignments.

 Request tutorial services when needed and attend all sessions.

 Participate in mandatory workshops.

In addition,

I must return all borrowed materials such as textbooks, to my College Now liaison/counselor on the last day of

class, or upon withdrawing from the course.

Note: If a student intends to withdraw from a class (without academic penalty), proper paperwork must be signed in

the BMCC College Now office during the withdrawal period. The textbook must be returned at that time.

Remain focused and have a productive year.

Peter Williams

Director, College Now

Borough of Manhattan Community College

“It’s nice to dream, but it’s better to plan...”

Print Name:_____________________________ OSIS#:___________________________________

Your signature:__________________________ Date:___________________________________

Parent’s signature:________________________

College Now @ Borough of Manhattan Community College

College Now @ Borough of Manhattan Community College Tel: 212-346-8489

70 Murray Street, Room 1206A

70 Murray Street, Room 1206A Tel: 212-346-8489

New York, NY 10007 Fax: 212-346-8488

New York, NY 10007

College Now Photo/ Video/ Website Waiver

Parent's Name: _______________________________________________

Child's Name: _______________________________________________

College Now Partner: Borough of Manhattan Community College

Date: _________________________

I hereby consent to allow my child ___________________________ to appear live and/or on videotape and/or audiotape and/or in

photographs and/or promotional materials produced by College Now, the New York State Higher Education Services Corporation, or

the State of New York.

I authorize College Now, the New York State Higher Education Services Corporation, or the State of New York to edit his/her

appearance, duplicate his/her appearance in whole or in part for broadcast transmission, exhibition, playback, adaptation, print

advertisements, or marketing media, and other uses in any manner or media as they may see fit to promote College Now, the New

York State Higher Education Services Corporation, or the State of New York.

I expressly waive any claim that he/she or I may have against College Now, the New York State Higher Education Services

Corporation, or the State of New York, its officers and staff, and/or other participants by reason of inclusion of recordings,

duplications, or advertisements of him/her in the College Now Program by College Now, the New York State Higher Education

Services Corporation or the State of New York

College Now, the New York State Higher Education Services Corporation, or the State of New York may use his/her name, voice and

likeness to promote and advertise the College Now Program, the New York State Higher Education Services Corporation, or the State

of New York.

_____________________________________ Parent's Signature

_____________________________________ Street Address

_____________________________________ City, State and Zip Code

College Now

Registration Form

Student Application / Registration Form

* Note: The College Now program requires all participating

students to register using their Social Security Number

(SSN). For students who are not US citizens and who are

interested in participating, CUNY will generate a number

that will function in the same way as the SSN.

Please PRINT clearly and legibly. Student CUNY EMPLID

 (Must be completed if you are a Returning Student)

Student OSIS Number Social Security Number (Must write FULL SSN)

First Name Last Name Middle Initial

Street Address Apt. #

City State Zip

Email Address


Date of Birth (MM / DD / YYYY) / / Sex (M/F)

Race / Ethnicity

1. Are you Hispanic / Latino? Yes No

2. Select one or more races:

Black / African American Native Hawaiian White

What is your parent or guardian's highest level of education? (select one):

Post Graduate or Professional College Degree Some College Education High School Graduate

Some High School 8th Grade or Less I don't know

Home ( ) -

Cell ( ) -

Citizenship Status (select one):

American Indian /

Alaska Native Asian

US Citizen Other Unknown

Permanent Resident Non-US Citizen

HS ETS Code High School

Semester CUNY College

Course Level: College Credit Pre-college CN Course / CNFC CN Workshop

 First Time College Now Student Returning Student How many Credits have you accumulated?

 (To be answered by Returning Students ONLY)

Course Location: College Campus High School Campus

Instructor's Primary Affiliation: College Full Time Faculty College Part Time / Adjunct Faculty High School Teacher


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