Saturday, April 9, 2016

SPRING 2016 SUPPORT Critical Theory and Social Justice Club will travel to Havana...

This spring break, 9 of our upper grade students from our Critical Theory and Social Justice Club will travel to Havana, Cuba (4/22-4/28) to continue their research about the island and about Afro-Cuban culture. Throughout our expedition, we will visit museums and cultural sites, meeting local historians, educators and youth to deepen our knowledge.

This is WHEELS' first international trip and we will be the first public high school - certainly the first majority free/reduced lunch school - to visit Cuba since the recent easing of travel restrictions for US citizens. To minimize barriers from family income as much as possible, we are subsidizing 80% of the roughly $1300 trip cost per student. So far, we have raised over $10,000, thanks to a generous donor, student/family contributions, a fundraiser open mic and our GoFundMe page. We are still $2,595 short and need the help of our friends, families and community to reach our goal before 4/21.

Please donate to our GoFundMe page, and share with your networks, to help make this trip to Cuba a reality for our students To learn more about our trip and see the students' perspectives about it, check out this video our group made (put together by Fritsch): WHEELS Trip To Cuba Introduction .

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