Tuesday, April 12, 2016

SPRING 2016 High Schools: The Association of Judges of the Supreme Court Essay Contest

High Schools: The Association of Judges of the Supreme Court Essay Contest

Entry Deadline: April 22, 2016
Contact: Debra Lesser

The Association of Justices of the Supreme Court of the State of New York and the New York Law Journal have partnered with the New York City Department of Education to sponsor the 16th Annual Law Day Essay Contest for high school students in grades 10-12. The Law Day theme for 2016 is “Miranda: More than Words” because 2016 marks the 50th anniversary of one of the nation’s best-known U.S. Supreme Court cases, Miranda v. Arizona. The theme will explore the procedural protections afforded by the U.S. Constitution, how these rights are safeguarded by the courts, and why the preservation of these principles is essential to citizens' liberty. Ten students will win the opportunity to intern for one week with a justice of the Supreme Court and earn a $100 gift card. A maximum of 10 entries from each school will be considered. One of the winning essays will be published in the New York Law Journal, a legal periodical published by American Lawyer Media (ALM). Click here to apply.

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