Tuesday, May 6, 2014

FREE. VERY SELECTIVE. Mayor's Youth Leadership Council (MYLC)... TWO YEAR COMMITMENT. (Yep. I'm yelling, a little...) Due: May 30, 2014


The Mayor's Youth Leadership Council is a 2-year program with two main components: the program year and the alumni year. The program year begins in August with a full-time, two-week orientation component that will lead into weekly after-school sessions as well as one monthly Saturday session starting in September and concluding in June. During this time, participants will build their knowledge about current youth policy issues facing the city and develop leadership, personal and group skills and policy understanding to help city officials develop solutions. The cohort will conduct field research on one current issue impacting New York City youth and present their policy recommendations on the topic to the Mayor and key city officials.

During the alumni year, participants graduate to serve as a formal advisory council to the Mayor's Office. The council works to implement and continue the work of their first year by working alongside the appropriate city agency to move their recommendations forward. MYLC members will also take an active role in supporting the leadership development of the next cohort of council members.
Mayor's Youth Leadership Council (MYLC) prepares a diverse group of young people to serve as a critical advisory resource to City Hall while developing their own leadership skills. The MYLC offers an important vehicle for youth input into city policymaking; provides young people with leadership training and creates a body of youth ambassadors to serve as liaisons to their peers and their communities. Most importantly, it involves young people as valued and active participants in city policies that shape their every day lives.
For more information on the Mayor's Youth Leadership Council Contact: José Doblesjdobles@coronewyork.org, 212-248-2935 ext. 323. 

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