Friday, September 27, 2013

Futures and Options Connecting Urban Youth to Careers Wednesday, October 9th, 2013

Career Essentials
Futures and Options' Career Essentials is targeted to youth who have not yet acquired the skill level or age to be placed in internship positions. This career readiness program provides basic preparation for the work world as well as the opportunity for students to practice and improve their interpersonal, communication and office skills. The program also includes career exploration activities and field trips. Career exploration trips have included visits to PwC, Colgate-Palmolive Company and the Millenium Hilton Hotel.

Futures and Options Connecting Urban Youth to Careers
Wednesday, October 9th, 2013
Application Due Date:
Career Essentials Program Application
Students in the Futures and Options Career Essentials Program participate in 12 supervised workshops that focus on communication, presentation and workplace etiquette skills. This guide provides basic information about the Career Essentials Program, including how to apply, what is expected of our students, and what our students may expect from Futures and Options.
UUAdmission Process
1. Please email, fax or mail your completed application, along with the signed permission slip to the Futures and Options office at 212.601.0005 or A completed application must include:
Attached Intern Statistical Questionnaire (for informational purposes, not to evaluate your candidacy) Attached permission slip Copy of your most recent transcript
2. Once we receive your application, you will be contacted by a Program Coordinator who will schedule a group interview. On the day of the interview, please bring the following with you:
Your school identification card 3. After the group interview you will be notified as to whether or not you have been selected for the Fall program.
Program Information
Workshops are held once a week for two hours during a 12 week span in both the fall and spring semesters. Participants in the program learn interviewing skills, presentation skills, workplace etiquette, time management, resume and cover letter writing, and have the opportunity to explore careers. Two career exploration field trips are included to offer students exposure to different career options. Students also have the opportunity to network with and learn from fellow peers from different boroughs and schools.
UStudent Responsibilities Students are required to attend and be on time to all workshops and events that are part of the program. It is important
to communicate in advance with the Futures and Options program staff if you have any schedule conflicts.
UContact Information
Futures and Options
120 Broadway, Suite 913 New York, NY 10271 P. 212.601.0002 F. 212.601.0005 HHwww.futuresandoptions.orgU
Program Coordinator: Matt Ellis –
Student Information:
Career Essentials Program Application

Career Essentials Program Fall 2013
What? Students in the Futures and Options Career Essentials program participate in 12 supervised workshops that focus on work-readiness skills. You will learn...
Interview Skills Resume Writing Communication Skills Presentation Skills
Time Management
Email/Telephone Skills
Self Assessment
Career Exploration Field Trips
Application Due Date: Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Meet Weekly Through January @ 4:30-6:30pm
How? To submit an application, go to: For questions, contact Matt Ellis at 212-601-0002
* Build confidence * Improve public speaking skills * Gain leadership and teambuilding skills * Learn how to behave in a professional workplace * Network with fellow peers

Last Name First Name Middle Date
Home Address (street, apt. #, city, state, zip code)
High School Name
High School Address (street, city, state, zip code)
High School Advisor
Home Phone Cell Phone
Please contact me at: (check all that apply) Home ___ Cell___
High School Phone
Date of Birth (mm/dd/yy): _______ Age: _____ Gender: Male ___Female ___
Current Grade Level in High School: _________
Expected Date of High School Graduation: __________
Ethnicity:(checkallthatapply) Asian/PacificIslander____ Native American____
AfricanAmerican____ Caucasian ____
(Please specify) Languages other than English: __________________________________________________________
Country of Birth: _____________________________
In Case of Emergency, Notify:
(Name, Street Address, City, State, Zip Code)
1. ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ _______________________ ____ Phone: ___________________ __ Relation: ____________________
2. _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ Phone: _______________________ Relation: ______________________
Email address ___
E-mail address
Hispanic____ Other ______________
Please answer the following questions in complete sentences:
1) What are your expectations for the program? ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________
2) List three things you would like to learn from a Career Essentials Program. Please be specific. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________
3) Complete the following sentence. By the end of the program I would like to... ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________
4) What other after-school activities are you involved in for this semester? Please list day and time.
________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________
Futures and Options Career Essentials Program Student Agreement
The Futures and Options Career Essentials Program is designed to provide motivated New York City high school students with the skills and knowledge needed to be successful in a professional workplace. Futures and Options’ Career Essentials workshops support students in developing increased confidence and stronger communication skills.
Students are required to attend 12 two-hour workshops, which are held once a week. Students must communicate in advance with Futures and Options’ program coordinators if, for any reason, they are not able to attend a workshop and/or fulfill their commitment to the program.
Participating students must be available for the entire duration of the program and attend all 12 of Futures and Options workshops in order to successfully complete the program.
Participating students will be required to complete pre and post program questionnaires and evaluations during the program.
I give Futures and Options permission to utilize my image (photograph/videotape), tape recording, and/or quotes for any Futures and Options literature, press release, advertisement, website, e-newsletter, and/or in any other Futures and Options materials and/or internship site materials that promote the mission and philosophy of Futures and Options.
I allow my child to travel to and from Futures and Options on days of workshops.
I have read the above description of the Futures and Options Career Essentials Program and, if chosen to participate in the program, I agree to the terms stated above. I understand that if I do not fulfill the program requirements as stated above I will not be allowed to continue in the Career Essentials Program. I also certify that all of the information in my application is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.
_________________________________________ Signature of Applicant
_________________________________________ Signature of Parent/Guardian
____________________________ Date
________________________ ____ Date
________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Full Name (Please Print) Parent/Guardian Email Parent/Guardian Phone
__________________ _________________
Intern Statistical Questionnaire
Thank you for helping Futures and Options by filling out this short confidential questionnaire. Futures and Options is a not-for-profit internship program that is funded by foundations, corporations and individuals who are committed to helping you succeed. In order to receive funding vital to the continuation of this program, we are often required to provide statistical information about our participants. All information requested on this form is confidential. It will be used for statistical and research purposes only. The information you choose to provide will be helpful in our efforts to raise the money to carry on and expand the program.
Name: ___________________________
1. Today’s Date: 2. Your age:
3. Gender:
4. What program are you a part of? Core Program
George Westinghouse High School Program Career Essentials Program Urban Leadership Fellows Program Charles Hayden Program
RR Donnelley Career Exploration Program
5. In what country were you born?
6. To what ethnic group(s) do you belong? (check all that apply) ___Asian/Pacific Islander ___ African-American ___ Hispanic
___Native American ___ Caucasian
(Please specify)
7. How many members of your household (including yourself) are younger than 18 years of age? __________
8. How many adults live in the household?
9. What is your parent’s marital status? Married/ Remarried
Single Divorced/ Separated Widowed Unknown
10. What is the approximate combined income of your parents/guardian?
less than $15,000 from $15,000 to $20,000 from $20,000 to $30,000 from $30,000 to $50,000 from $50,000 to $75,000 over $75,000
11. Do you qualify for free lunch? Yes / No 12. Do you plan on attending college? Yes / No 13. What is the highest level of education completed by your parents/guardian?
Mother: Some High School
High School Graduate Some College Graduated College Masters/Doctorate
Father: Some High School
High School Graduate Some College Graduated College Masters/Doctorate
*Guardian: Some High School
High School Graduate Some College Graduated College Masters/Doctorate
*A guardian is someone who is legally responsible for the care and management of a minor.
14. Is English your first language? Yes / No If not, what is your first language?
15. What language is used in your household? (check all that apply)
English Russian Polish Arabic Hebrew Chinese Mandarin
Haitian-Creole Spanish French Urdu/Hindi Chinese Cantonese Other (please specify)

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