Thursday, September 5, 2013

Apply to become a Friend of WHEELS! Due: Rolling interviews, September 2013.

Apply to become a Friend of WHEELS!

Speak at WHEELS events.
Friends of WHEELS (FoWs) seeks to raising support (financial and otherwise) for events that help us to make college acceptance and graduation a reality.  Student FoWs write, rehearse and present their musings on what it means to be part of our school community, in their own words. 

Student FoWs sometimes attend meet and greet sessions with folks who are interested in learning more about WHEELS and/or who already believe in WHEELS’s mission and want to find ways to extend support. 

Tell your stories.
Part of what makes WHEELS unique is the way in which student leaders participate in and actively shape the school culture at WHEELS.  Only you can tell the story of how you make a thing for yourself.

Contact Ms. Palmer-Smith or Ms. MacNeil to arrange an interview.
Room 449.

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