Sunday, September 29, 2013

Attention student athletes... beRe­cruited was founded in 2000 by Ryan Spoon, a col­le­giate swim­mer for Duke Uni­ver­sity, in an effort to make the recruit­ing process more effi­cient for high school ath­letes and NCAA coaches. First cre­ated exclu­sively forNCAA swim­ming and div­ing, in the sum­mer of 2003, beRe­cruited now serves ath­letes and coaches from 31 dif­fer­ent sports.

beRe­cruited is the nation’s No. 1 online net­work­ing des­ti­na­tion for high school student-athletes seek­ing recruit­ment from col­lege coaches and uni­ver­si­ties. beRe­cruited allows high school stu­dent ath­letes to build pro­files of ver­i­fied aca­d­e­mic and ath­letic infor­ma­tion, research infor­ma­tion on uni­ver­si­ties from around the coun­try, and reach out to col­lege coaches. Reg­is­tered col­lege coaches can search a vast data­base of poten­tial recruits and directly con­nect with these recruits. To date, beRe­cruited has over 1 mil­lion reg­is­tered users, includ­ing at least one stu­dent in 80% of U.S. high schools, 68% of col­lege coaches, over 25,000 high school & club coaches, and over 25,000 parents.
beRe­cruited was founded in 2000 by Ryan Spoon, a col­le­giate swim­mer for Duke Uni­ver­sity, in an effort to make the recruit­ing process more effi­cient for high school ath­letes and NCAA coaches. First cre­ated exclu­sively forNCAA swim­ming and div­ing, in the sum­mer of 2003, beRe­cruited now serves ath­letes and coaches from 31 dif­fer­ent sports.

With thanks to Anthony Vargas, class of 2015, for his suggestion that we share this information.  Check with your own family members and sports coaches re: when/if to share your information via this and other sites. 

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