Thursday, September 5, 2013

Apply to become a WHEELS student docent! DUE: Rolling interviews, September 2013.

Apply to become a WHEELS student docent!

Greet visitors. 
At WHEELS, we open our doors to hundreds of visitors each year. 

Give tours.
Folks often want to know how we negotiate space, what classes are like, where we meet.

Serve on panels.
Recent student panelists have spoken on their views on the college application process; the benefits of being student athletes; what it means to be first generation college students; the role and value of service at WHEELS. 

Tell a story of the founding of WHEELS.
There is no single story of the founding of WHEELS, only our individual and collective stories.  Tell yours.    

Contact Ms. MacNeil.
Rooms 449 and 429.
In the morning, before the doors open on Amsterdam Avenue.
At the fourth floor “T” at dismissal.

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