Thursday, October 18, 2012

YMCA Global Teens is a leadership development and service learning program...

YMCA Global Teens is a leadership development and service learning program that engages teenagers (ages 14-18 for overseas & ages 12-14 for domestic programs) in a year-long empowering international experience culminating with a 10 day to 2 1/2 week service abroad expereince during July/August. 

The program includes deep personal growth & discovery, cultural travel, meaningful service, home stay experiences, and interaction with teens from around the globe. 
The need to understand the intricacies and interdependencies of the world's many cultures, communities and nations has never been more important. Beginning in 1996, YMCA Global Teens has provided over 900 young people have gained a deepened sense of the social issues impacting our world, and explore methods for positively contributing to our global community.

Past Global Teens trips have travelled to countries such as South Africa, Thailand, Italy, Senegal, Dominican Republic, Peru, Colombia, Mexico, South Korea, Estonia, Hong Kong and more!
Intrigued? Send us an email or give us a call... we'd love to hear from you!

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