Thursday, October 25, 2012

Internships for WHEELS alumni!

Co-op/Internships and Summer Research Opportunities
for 2013
Minority & Underrepresented Students

All opportunities listed are PAID, unless otherwise indicated

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All co-ops/internships listed are PAID, unless otherwise indicated
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The organizations that have already updated their sites for 2013, or offer opportunities on an annual basis are indicated by a (2013) after the co-op link.
The co-op/internship positions listed at this website specifically focus on providing opportunities for minority students and students from underrepresented groups in the sciences and medicine. If you believe that you qualify, you should definitely explore these exciting opportunities. In addition to the co-ops listed below, quite a few of the organizations that are listed in the much larger list,Co-op/Internship and Summer Research Opportunities in the Life Sciencesare seeking to enhance the ethnic diversity of their programs and thus strongly encourage minority students to apply. You should not hesitate to take advantage of these opportunities as well.
In addition to the valuable experience and good pay that a Co-op or Internship will give you, very many of the Opportunities listed on this website also provide Travel Reimbursement, Housing and MealsSo, don't let concerns about living expenses or the location of an organization posted on this website prevent you from checking out an exciting and challenging Co-op or Internship position!! If travel support, housing and meals are provided, this information will almost always be included in the details about the Co-op or Internship that can be found by clicking on theco-op website next to the organization's name and location.

To view information for any organization listed below:
a. Point and click with your mouse on the organization's name to go to its homepage (for a university or college, you might want to go further to the homepage of the sponsoring department or program at that university or college, if it is not already the "homepage" link that is provided here).
b. Point and click with your mouse on co-op to go to co-op/internship/research postings for that organization or to the website from which you can then access the co-op/internship/research postings
Alabama A&M University, Huntsville, AL - co-op (2012) REU-China: Ecological and Environmental Research in an Urbanized Landscape - "three days at AAMU followed by six weeks atNanjing Forestry University in China and the remaining three weeks again at AAMU" - "Each REU participant will receive a $3000 scholarship, paid bi-weekly for the duration of the program. Travel, housing, and research related expenses will be covered"
Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium, Anchorage, AK - co-op (2012) - Extern Program - "Enrolled in an academic health or allied health profession program or career track"
Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY - co-op (2012) Diversity Student Summer Research Opportunity Program
Albert Einstein College of MedicineHispanic Center of Excellence, Bronx, NY - co-op (2011 information) (2012) Application is for 2012 - Health Opportunities Program (Monte HOP) -Department of Family and Social Medicine at Montefiore Medical Center Health Opportunities Program (Monte HOP)
Albert Einstein College of MedicineHispanic Center of Excellence, Bronx, NY - co-op (2013) "2013 application information coming soon" - HCOE Summer Undergraduate Mentorship Program (SUMP)
American Heart Association Midwest Affiliates, - co-op (2012) MWA Undergraduate Student Research Program " broadly related to related to cardiovascular function and disease, stroke, or to related clinical, basic science, and public health problems" - funds undergraduate student research at accredited Midwest Affiliate institutions in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, North Dakota, Nebraska, South Dakota or Wisconsin
American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES), Albuquerque, NM - co-op (2011) Application Procedures are for 2011 - Student Summer Internship to explore potential careers with the following orgnaizations (2010 Partners): Bonneville Power Administration: Environment, Fish and Wildlife - Portland, OR; NASA Goddard Space Flight Center - Greenbelt, MD; U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs - Washington, D.C; AMERIND Risk Management Corporation - Santa Ana Pueblo, NM; Arctic Slope Regional Corporation Federal Holding Company, Greenbelt, MD
Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium, Anchorage, AK - co-op (2013) Indian Health Service (IHS) Extern Program- "opportunities to be employed as an IHS extern during any non-academic period for up to 120 days per calendar year." "Enrolled in an academic health or allied health profession program or career track"
American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES), Albuquerque, NM - co-op (2012) Student Summer Internship to explore potential careers with the following organizations:Bonneville Power Administration: - Portland, OR; AMERIND Risk Management Corporation- Santa Ana, NM; U.S. Bureau of Land Management; Arctic Slope Regional Corporation Federal Holding Company, Greenbelt, MD; Life Technologies, Carlsbad, CA; U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Washington, D.C. (and other various locations)
American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C. - co-op (2013) M Undergraduate Research Capstone Program (UR-Capstone 2013) - for underrepresented minority students with Faculty in various universities who are members of ASM
American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics (ASPET), Bethesda, MD - co-op (2102) scroll down to GUIDELINES FOR INDIVIDUAL AWARDS Application Deadline: March 1, 2012 - Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship Program (with several University Departments of Pharmacy - list is for 2011)
American University, Washington, D.C. - co-op (2013) "Summer 2013: May 30: Students arrive *June 3: internship start *July 26: internship end July 27" - Washington Internships for Native Students (WINS) with a variety of US Government organizations
Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL - co-op (2012) Energy Resource Development Tribal Internship Program 
Arizona State UniversityMathematical and Theoretical Biology Institute, Tempe, AZ - co-op (2011) for Students majoring in mathematics, biology, or related fields and who have had a year of calculus are eligible to apply
Association for Women in Science, Washington, D.C. - co-op (2012) “Developing Leading Women in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)” 
Association of American Medical CollegesSummer Medical and Dental Education Program, at many medical school program sites - co-op (2012) 6-week program - "2012 Application Opens November 1"
Association of Hispanic Healthcare Executives, New York, NY - co-op (2010) Summer Enrichment Program - "If you're interested in the Summer Enrichment Program, you should apply as soon as possible"

Bermuda Institute of Ocean SciencesBermuda Islands - co-op (Fall, 2012)
Boise State UniveristyDepartment of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Boise, ID - co-op (2012) some of the research areas focus on the life sciences/microbiology
Boston University, Boston, MA - co-op (2012) Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship
Boston UniversityCenter of Excellence for Learning in Education, Science and Technology (CELEST), Boston, MA - co-op (2011) "...experimental and/or computational approaches to the neuroscience of learning"
Brandeis UniversityLife Sciences, Waltham, MA - co-op (2013) REU Program in Cell and Molecular Visualization
Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, MA - co-op (2012) Brigham Summer Training in Academic Research and Scholarship (STARS)
Brown and Caldwell, Walnut Creek, CA - co-op (2012) Minority Scholarship Program includes "An optional paid summer internship at a Brown and Caldwell office"
California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA - co-op (2012) "The application for 2012 is coming soon" - Minority Undergraduate Research Fellowship
California State University-FullertonDepartment of Biology, Fullerton, CA - co-op (2012) "The application for summer 2012 will open in December 2011" - Minority Health and Health Disparities International Research Training Program at foreign Participating Institutions (listed in upper right corner) - "The program will give undergraduate students priority by selecting approximately 75% undergraduate students as participants per year"
California State University - Los AngelesCollege of Natural and Social SciencesDepartment of Chemistry & Biochemistry, Los Angeles, CA - co-op (2012) "research opportunities for community college students from the Los Angeles Basin"- "Areas of research include...environmental monitoring...
Carnegie Mellon UniversityDepartment of Biological Sciences, Pittsburgh, PA - co-op (2012) "The 2012 program dates are TBA" - Undergraduate Research Experiences in Cellular and Molecular Biosciences
Case Western UniversityAcademic Careers in Engineering & Science (ACES) Program, Cleveland, OH - co-op (2012) Summer Undergraduate Research Program (for minority undergraduates)
Case Western UniversityCenter for Aids Research, Cleveland, Ohio - co-op (2013) Case CFAR Minority HIV Research Training Program (MHRTP)
Case Western UniversityOffice of Multicultural Programs, Cleveland, OH - co-op (2012) Summer Research Program
Center for Behavioral Neuroscience, Atlanta, GA - co-op (2012) "Not offered in 2013" - Behavioral Research Advancements in Neuroscience (BRAIN)
Charles B. Wang Community Health Center, New York, NY - co-op (2012) not sure if this is a paid opportunity
Charles Drew University of Medicine and ScienceDivision of Cancer Research and Training, Los Angeles, CA - co-op (2012) Undergraduate Cancer Research Training Program
Children's Hospital Oakland Research Institute, Oakland, CA - co-op (2012) Summer Research Program - "Students who meet the criteria for the NHLBI proposal (described on our website) will be eligible to receive a stipend"
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia Research Institute, Philadelphia, PA - co-op (2012) Injury Science Research Experiences for Undergraduates
Christian Brothers UniversityDepartment of Biology, Memphis, TN - co-op (2013) Minority International Research Training (MIRT) program - Research projects in Brazil, and Uganda
City of Hope Cancer Center, Duarte, CA - co-op (2012) Continuing Umbrella of Research Experience (CURE)
Colorado State UniversityDepartment of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Ft. Collins, CO - co-op (2013)
Columbia University, Department of Physiology and Cellular Biophysics, New York, NY - co-opapplication (2012) Summer Program for Under-Represented Students - A Biomedical Research Program
Columbia University, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, New York, NY - co-op (2012) Summer Research Program for students from historically underrepresented groups
Committee on Institutional Cooperation (11 participating universities), several locations - co-op (2012) "The CIC SROP application is accepted November 1, 2011 until February 10, 2012."
Cornell UniversityBoyce Thompson Institute, Ithaca, NY - co-op (2012) Summer Internships in Plant Biology
Cornell UniversityCollege of EngineeringDiversity Programs, Ithaca, NY - co-op (2013) Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP) in science and engineering
Cornell UniversityWeill Graduate School of Medical Sciences, New York, NY - co-opapplication (2013) Access Summer Research Program

Dana-Farber/Harvard Cancer CenterInitiative to Eliminate Cancer Disparities, Boston, MA - co-op (2013) "The application for CURE 2013 will be released by December 1, 2012" - The Continuing Umbrella of Research Experiences (CURE) - must be be a Massachusetts resident or attend an institution (high school or college) in Massachusetts
Dartmouth CollegeMolecular and Cellular Biology (MCB) Graduate Program, Hanover, NH - co-op (2012) 
Directors of Health Promotion and Education, Washington, DC - co-op (2013) Internship program for students of minority-serving institutions to "place students of minority-serving institutions in public health settings (federal, national, state and local health agencies, community-based health organizations, voluntary health agencies, etc.) for practical experience in the field of public health education"
Duke UniversityGraduate School, Durham, NC - co-op (2013) "Apply for SROP 2013: The 2013 SROP application will be available on October 22, 2012." - Summer Research Opportunities Program

East Carolina University
Brody School of Medicine, Greenville, NC - co-op (2012) "Information about 2012 SPFD will be posted soon " - Summer Program for Future Doctors
Emory UniversityGraduate Division of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Atlanta, GA - co-opapplication (2012) Summer Undergraduate Research Program at Emory (SURE)
Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University, Tallahassee, FL - co-op (2013) genomics research and, bioinformatics
Friday Harbor Laboratory, San Juan Island, WA - co-op (2011) Integrative Biology and Ecology of Marine Organisms
Gallaudet UniversityBiology Department, Washington, DC - co-op (2012) TWO Summer Internship Opportunities for deaf or hard-of-hearing undergraduate science majors- Summer Internships in Molecular Genetics and Bioinformatics and Nitrogen Physiology of Harmful Algal Species
Georgia Health Sciences University (formerly the Medical College of Georgia), Office of Diversity Affairs, Augusta, GA - co-opmore details (2013) Student Educational Enrichment Program -scroll down to College: - not sure if this is a paid program
Georgia Tech, Atlanta, GA - co-op (2011) Summer Undergraduate Research in Engineering/Science 
Great Lakes Bioenergy Research CenterUniversity of Wisconsin, Madison, WI - co-op (some 2011 information) (2012) Application is for 2012
Hampton University, Hampton, VA - co-op (2013) "The application deadline is February 15th of each year" - Minority Health International Research Training (MHIRT) program at the theUniversity of Dar es Salaam in TanzaniaEgerton University in Njoro, Kenya, and University of Benin in Benin City, Nigeria
Hartford Hospital, Hartford, CT - co-op (2013) Summer Student Research Fellowship for pre-medical students
Harvard Forest, Petersham MA - co-op (2013) "Applications for the 2013 program will be accepted after Dec. 1, 2012." - Summer Research Program in Ecology
Harvard Medical School, Four Directions Summer Research Program, Boston, MA - co-opapplication (2012)
Harvard Medical SchoolOffice for Diversity and Community PartnershipBoston, MA - co-op (2013) "Please visit again in November of 2012 for the 2013 VRIP and SCTRP program dates and deadlines" - Harvard Catalyst Summer Clinical and Translational Research Program 
Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, MA - co-op (2013) "Program Dates: 2013 dates pending; Deadline for Application: February 15" - 4-week Summer Program in Quantitative Sciences - "Potential applicants should have an interest in public health as a career. Coursework in calculus recommended. Prior exposure to statistics is not required" - not a paid opportunity
Harvard School of Public HealthDepartment of Epidemiology, Boston, MA - co-op (2013) Multidisciplinary International Research Training Program (MIRT) "Research opportunities are designed collaboratively with faculty in Zimbabwe, Ethiopia, Vietnam, Thailand, Republic of Georgia, Peru, Mexico, Ecuador, Chile, and Australia - financial suppoart includes: round-trip airfair to foreign institution; monthly stipend; foreign living expenses; health insurance
Harvard School of Public HealthDivision of Biological Sciences, Boston, MA - co-op (2013) "The 2013 Summer Program runs Sunday, June 9 - Saturday, August 10." - Summer Program in Biological Sciences in Public Health
Harvard UniversityFAS Center for Systems Biology, Cambridge, MA - co-op (2011)
Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities, Washington, D.C. (and at field sites throughout the country) - co-op (2013) "Internship Dates include Summer 2013 - National Intership Program
Howard University, Washington, D.C. - co-op (some 2012 information) (2013) Program Important Dates are for 2013 - Program Start Date – Monday, May 20, 2013 Program Ends – Saturday, August 3, 2013 - Barbara Jordan Health Policy Scholars Program

Hunter CollegeCenter for Study of Gene Structure and Function, New York, NY - co-opapplication (2012) "We’ll begin accepting applications for Summer 2012 in August 2011" - Summer Program for Undergraduate Research
Huntington Medical Research Institute, Pasadena, CA - co-op (2013) "The application materials and instructions will be posted here on January 1, 2013." - "Limited number of stipends ($4000-5000) will be provided for participation in the program on the basis of financial need and/or ethnical minority status (see the application for details)."

Indiana UniversityCenter for the Integrative Study of Animal Behavior, Bloomington, IN - co-op (2013)
Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis, Indianapolis, IN - co-opmore details (2012) Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation (LSAMP)
Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis, Indianapolis, IN - co-op (2011 information) (2012) scroll down to "Full-time Summer 2012 Research Programs Application Now Online" -T35/SROP Summer Research Opportunity Program
Iowa State UniversityCollege of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Ames, IA - co-op (2012) George Washington Carver Internship Program

Johns Hopkins University, Biology Department, Baltimore, MD - co-op (2012) Visualization of Macromolecules in Biological Research
Johns Hopkins UniversityInstitute for NanoBiotechnology, Baltimore, MD - co-op (2013) "The 2013 Summer REU application should be available by mid-November" - Exploration of Nanotechnology for Biology and Medicine
Johns Hopkins UniversitySchool of Medicine, Baltimore, MD - co-op (2013) 
"Summer Program 2013 Date to be announced" - Diversity Summer Internship Program 

Kansas State University
, Manhattan, KS - co-op (2013) Summer Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program
Kansas State UniversityChemical Engineering, Manhattan, KS - co-op (2011) Earth, Wind, and Fire: Sustainability in the 21st Century” REU program - students in science and engineering
Kansas State UniversityDivision of BiologyKonza Prairie Biological Station, Flint Hills area of Eastern Kansas - co-op (2012)
Kresge Hearing Research InstituteUniversity of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, MI - co-op (2013) - for RIT and Gallaudet University deaf and hard-of-hearing students only - scroll down to How to Apply
LeHigh UniversityBiosystems Dynamics Summer Institute, Bethlehem, PA - co-op (2011)
Loma Linda UniversitySchool of MedicineCenter for Health Disparities and Molecular Medicine, Loma Linda, CA - co-op (2012) Undergraduate Training Program
Louisiana State UniversityLouisiana Biomedical Research Network, Baton Rouge, LA - co-op (2012) Undergraduate Summer Research Program - MUST be enrolled in a University in the state of Louisiana (except LSU)
Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA - co-op (2013) Summer Opportunity for Undergraduate Research
Marine Resources DivisionSouth Carolina Department of Natural Resources, Fort Johnson Complex, SC - co-opapplication (2012) "Minorities in Marine and Environmental Sciences (MIMES) Internship Program - undergraduate minority science students internship positions at the Marine Resources Center on James Island (near Charleston), South Carolina."
Marquette UniversityDepartment of Biology, Milwaukee, WI - co-op (2013) NSF-CMB: Undergraduate Research in Cellular and Molecular Biology
Marquette UniversityDepartment of Biology, Milwaukee, WI - co-op (2013) Summer Research Program
Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA - co-op (2012) Summer Research Trainee Program
Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyComputational and Systems Biology, Cambridge, MA - co-op (2012) "We begin screening completed applications in late January for six (6) Summer Internships"
Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyDepartment of Biology, Cambridge, MA - co-opapplication (2012) MIT Summer Research Program in the Biological Sciences, Neuroscience, and Biomedical related fields
Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyDivision of Health Sciences and Technology, Cambridge, MA - co-op (2012) "The application deadline is January 31, 2012." - Bioinformatics and Integrative Genomics Summer Scholars Program
Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyDivision of Health Sciences and Technology, Cambridge, MA - co-op (2012) Program dates are June 4 - August 3, 2012 - Biomedical Optics
Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyGraduate Education, Cambridge, MA - co-op (2013) "Please check back in the fall for the summer 2013 application." - Summer Research Program
MD Anderson Cancer CenterCancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas, Houston, TX - co-opapplication (2012) "all materials must be received by December 31, 2011." - CPRIT Summer Undergraduate Research program
Medical College of WisconsinOffice of Student Affairs/Diversity, Milwaukee, WI - co-op (2012) scroll down to Undergraduate, Graduate and Medical Students Program(s) - Diversity Summer Health-related Research Education Program (DSHREP)
Miami Univeristy (of Ohio)Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Oxford, OH - co-op (2012)
Michigan State UniversityCollege of Veterinary Medicine, East Lansing, MI - co-op (2013) Vetward Bound Enrichment Summer Program "Program participants will receive a $50.00/per day stipend to assist in the defrayment of cost for room and board in assigned university resident facilities. A partial travel allowance may also be awarded.
Milwaukee School of Engineering, Milwaukee, WI - co-op (2013) for "..students who have completed their sophomore year of an engineering, pre-engineering, computer science or science-based (biology, chemistry, physics, etc.) curriculum"
Monell Chemical Senses Center, Philadelphia, PA - co-op (2013) "Information about the 2013 Science Apprenticeship Program coming soon!" - Monell Science Apprenticeship Program
Montana State UniversityDepartment of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Bozeman, MT - co-op (2012) "..summer research in chemical biology"
Morehouse CollegePublic Health Sciences Institutes, Atlanta, GA - co-op (2012) "The application process will close on January 31, 2012
Morehouse School of MedicineNeuroscience Institute, Atlanta, GA - co-op (2012) Summer Research Progra
Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY - co-op (2012) International Exchange Program for Minority Students in one of six countries in Latin America, Europe or Africa
Mount Sinai School of MedicineCenter for Multicultural and Community Affairs, New York, NY - co-op (2012) Summer Research Fellowship Program
National Aeronautics and Space Administration - co-op (2012) Science and Technology Institute (NSTI) Summer Scholars Program - "Scholars will be placed at one of three NASA centers including: Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, California, Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas, and Glenn Research Center in Cleveland, Ohio"
National Cancer Institute, Frederick, MD - co-op (2012) Cancer Research Training Award
National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD - co-op (2013) "We will begin accepting applications for 2013 in September 2012" - Introduction to Cancer Research Careers (ICRC) Program - includes an Internship
National Cancer InstituteDivision of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics, Bethesda, MD - co-op (2013) " Applications for Summer 2013 will be accepted starting in mid-November."
National Center for Earth-surface DynamicsUniversity of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN - co-op (2012) River and Coastal Restoration
National Energy Technology Laboratory, Pittsburgh, PA and Morgantown, WV - co-op (2011) Professional Internship Program includes a Summer Internship - "environmental sciences"
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, Bethesda, MD - co-op (2012) "For Undergraduate/Medical Student (summer experience) placements beginning in June of the calendar year or summer opportunities, NHLBI strongly encourages applicants to submit your application by January 15. " - Biomedical Research Training Program for Individuals from Underrepresented Groups (Undergraduate Students) - "appointment is a one-time appointment of 6 (2 summers) to 24 months over a 2 year period beginning the summer of selection."
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, Bethesda, MD - co-op (2013) "...undergraduate students must begin the program no later than June 1, 2013" - Short-term Education Program for Underrepresented Persons (STEP-UP) at five Coordinating Intitutions in CA, MD, PA, VA
National Institute on Drug Abuse, Bethesda, MD - co-op (2012) Summer Research with NIDA for Underrepresented Students
National Park Service, many locations - co-op (2012) "Check back in early February for 2012 internships" - Cultural Resources Diversity Internship Program
New Mexico State University, Las Curces, NM - co-op (Spring 2012) RISE to the Doctorate positions - "A Professional Development Research Program for (minority/underprepresented) Undergraduates in the biomedical/biobehavioral science
New Mexico State UniversityChili Pepper Institute, Las Cruces, NM - co-op (2011) for "continuing freshman and sophomore students from first or second generation migrant or seasonal working families"
New York UniversityCenter for Neural Science, New York, NY - co-op (2011)
Northern Arizona UniversityInstitute for Tribal Environmental Professionals, Flagstaff, AZ - co-op (2013) "Application Deadline: February 22nd, 2013" - Summer Student Internship Program
Northern Arizona UniversityMerriam-Powell Center for Environmental Research, Flagstaff, AZ - co-op (2012) Environmental Science Research Experience for Undergraduates
Northwestern UniversityR. H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center, Evanston, IL - co-op (2012) Continuing Umbrella of Research Experience (CURE) Program for Underserved Students
Northwestern UniversityThe Graduate School, Evanston, IL - co-opapplication (2013) Summer Research Opportunity Program

Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN - co-op (2012) "Key Dates" are for 2012 program; Online application opens October 1, 2011" - DOE Faculty and Student Teams Program at Oak Ridge National Laboratory for earth, environmental, and marine sciences; life, health, and medical sciences
Ohio University College of Osteopathic MedicineCenter of Excellence for Multicultural Medicine, Athens, OH - co-op (2013) Summer Scholars Program
Oregon Health & Science UniversityGraduate Studies Program, Portland, OR - co-op (2012) "Please visit us again in December for the 2012 application cycle" - Equity Summer Research Program
Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR - co-op (2011) Subsurface Biosphere Initiative
Oregon State UniversityCrop and Soil Science, Corvallis, OR - co-op (2011) Pollination Biology Research Experiences for Undergraduates
Oregon State UniversityDepartment of Botany & Plant Pathology, Corvallis, OR - co-op (2011) The Ernest and Pauline Jaworski Fund for Summer Research Experiences for Underserved Undergraduates in Plant Science

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA - co-opmore details and link to application (2013) Mickey Leland Energy Fellowship Program
Partners in Health, Boston, MA - co-op (2013) "Please check back at the end of this year for the application for Summer 2013 internships"
Pennsylvania State UniversityThe Graduate School, University Park, PA - co-op (2012) Summer Research Opportunities Program participates in the Committee on Institutional Cooperation 2012Summer Research Opportunities Program (SROP) "The CIC SROP application is accepted November 1, 2011 until February 10, 2012."
Portland State University, Portland, OR - co-op (2011) Research opportunities in the following fields are available: ..., Biology, ... and Environmental Science", with two projects in Biology
Princeton UniversityGraduate School, Princeton, NJ - co-op (2012) apply (for 2012) through The Summer Research Early Identification Program - Princeton Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (PSURE)
Purdue UniversityGraduate School, West Lafayette, IN - co-op (2012) "Application for Summer 2012 will be available later this fall" - Summer Research Opportunities Program

Quality Education for Minorities (QEM) Network, Washington, D.C. - co-op (2011) QEM Network Summer Internship Program - Two programs (links also at top of page): QEM/TCUP Summer 2011 Science Education Internships for Tribal College StudentsQEM/NSF Summer 2011 Student Science Policy-focused Internships at the National Science Foundation (NSF)
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA - co-op (2012) Key Dates for application deadlines include Summer 2102 - "Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internship (SULI) Program
Princeton UniversityDepartment of Molecular Biology, Princeton, NJ - co-op (2011) "JUNE 13 – AUGUST 12, 2011 (9 weeks)" - Summer Research Program in Molecular and Quantitative Biology
Purdue UniversityGraduate School, West Lafayette, IN - co-op (2013) Summer Research Opportunities Program
Quality Education for Minorities (QEM) Network, Washington, D.C. - co-op (2012) QEM Network Summer Internship Program - Two programs (links also at top of page): QEM/TCUP Summer 2012 Science Education Internships for Tribal College StudentsQEM/NSF Summer 2011 Student Science Policy-focused Internships at the National Science Foundation (NSF)

Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory, Crested Butte, CO - co-op (2012)
Rutgers - State University of New JerseyGraduate School-New Brunswick, New Brunswick, NJ - co-op (2013) "Please visit us in November to apply for summer 2013" - Research in Science and Engineering (RiSE)
Rutgers - State University of New JerseyInstitute for Health, Health Care Policy and Aging Research, New Brunswick, NJ - co-op (2013)

San Diego State UniversityCollege of Sciences, San Diego, CA - co-op, application (2013) Minority International Research Training (MIRT) program at Peru/Ecuador, Ghana
Sanford HealthSanford Research, Sioux Falls, SD - co-op (2012) Summer Undergraduate Research Experience
San Jose State UniversityDepartment of Biological Sciences, San Jose, CA- co-op (2012) "Students will be paid $500/week for ten weeks for a total of $5,000 in 2012" - Research by Undergraduates using Molecular Biology Applications
Scripps Research InstituteKellogg School of Science and Technology, La Jolla, CA - co-op (2013) Summer Undergraduate Research Fellows (SURF) Program
Sitting Bull College, Fort Yates, ND - co-op (2011) North Dakota Tribal College REU
Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. - co-op (2012) Minority Awards Program
South Carolina Department of Natural ResourcesMarine Resources Division, Columbia, SC - co-op (2012) Minorities in Marine and Environmental Sciences (MIMES) Internship Program
Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA - co-op (2013) Stanford Summer Research Program/Amgen Scholars Program
State University of New York at Albany, Albany, NY - co-opapplication (2012) Summer Research Program
State University of New York at New Paltz, New Paltz, NY - co-op (2012) Comprehensive Approach to Watershed Characterization Focusing on the Source of New York City Water

State University of New York Downstate Medical Center
Office of Minority Affairs, Brooklyn, NY - co-op (2013)
State University of New York Upstate Medical UniversityOffice of Diversity and Affirmative Action, Syracuse, NY - co-op (2012) "(application) Will be available by January 31, 2012" - Mercyworks SYNERGY Summer Internship Program at Upstate "open to under-represented minority students (Native American, African American, Hispanic/Latino American) from the Syracuse metropolitan area"
St. Olaf College, Departments of Biology and Environmental Studies, Northfield, MN - co-op (2012) "Program dates: May 29 - Aug 4, 2012" - Research experience for Undergraduates in Environmental Science 
Summer Medical and Dental Education Program
12 program sites - co-op (2012) "2012 Application Opens November 1"
Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY - co-op (2011) Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation

Texas A&M UniversityDepartment of Plant Pathology and Microbiology, College Station, TX - co-op (2012) The Plant-Microbe Interface
Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission, Austin, TX - co-op (2012) Mickey Leland Internship Program
The Leadership Alliance, Providence, RI - co-opapplication procedure (2013) Summer Research Early Identification Program at 22 participating universities and Eli Lilly Co., Indianapolis, IN
Tufts UniversitySackler School of Graduate Biomedical Sciences, Medford, MA - co-op (2013) "The application for 2013 admissions will be available in mid-August" - Building Diversity in Biomedical Sciences for Undergraduates
Tuskegee University, Tuskegee, AL - co-op (2013) "Applications will be accepted for the 2013 Summer IBS REU program beginning January 1, 2013 however, acceptance is contingent on the renewal of NSF funding" - Integrated Biosciences Research Experience for Undergraduates - "research in...plant genomics, biocomplexity in the environment, bioinformatics, animal sciences and cell & molecular biology"

United Negro College Fund Merck & Co., Inc. co-op (2013) "The UNCF apply online is closed for maintenance and enhancement. It will onen on August 1, 2012."- UNCF•MERCK Undergraduate Science Research Scholarship Awards - Each award consists of: Tuition scholarship up to $25,000 and a summer research stipend of $5,000
University of AkronDepartment of BiologyUniversity of Akron Field Station, located on the 411 acre Bath Nature Preserve, Bath Township, OH - co-opapplication (2011) Ecology at the Urban-Rural Interface
University of Alabama at BirminghamSchool of Public Health, Birmingham, AL - co-op (2013) "Applications should be received by Jan. 11, 2013" - Minority International Research Training (MIRT) program - Research projects in Bangladesh, Ghana, Guatemala, India, Jamaica, Peru or Burkina Faso
University of ArizonaBiosphere 2, Tuscon, AZ - co-op (2012) Environmental and Earth Systems Research at Biosphere 2
University of ArizonaGraduate College, Tuscon, AZ - co-op (2013) Minority Health Disparities Summer Research Opportunities Program
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AK - co-op (2011) Assessment and Sustainable Management of Ecosystem Services
University of California at DavisEnvironmental Toxicology, Davis, CA - co-op (2012)
University of California at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA - co-op (2012) An International Integrative Undergraduate Research Program for Under-represented Students - Our destination is 2012will be Bali, Indonesia
University of California at Los AngelesBrain Research Institute, Los Angeles, CA - co-op (2012) Brain Research Institute Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (BRI-SURE) - "onlystudents in MARC (Minority Access to Research Careers) programs are eligible
University of California at Los AngelesSchool of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA - co-op (2013) "Accepting applications for 2013 beginning January 1, 2013 - March 1, 2013 - "Students who must relocate to participate in the program may be eligible for a stipend depending on availability of funds" - UCLA-PREP Pre-Medical/Pre-Dental Enrichment Program
University of California at RiversideGraduate Division, Riverside, CA - co-opapplication (2012) Mentoring Summer Research Internship Program
University of California at San Diego, San Diego, CA - co-op (2013) Medical Scientist Training Program Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship
University of California at San DiegoOffice of Graduate Studies, San Diego, CA - co-op (2011) Summer Training Academy for Research in the Sciences
University of California at San Francisco, San Francisco, CA - co-op (several programs listed) (2011) "The application deadline for Summer 2011 is February 2, 2011" - Summer Research Opportunities
University of California, Irvine, Irvine, CA - co-op (2012) Bridges to the Baccaleaurate Program
University of California, Irvine, Irvine, CA - co-op (2012) Minority Health and Health Disparities International Research Training in London and Spain
University of California, IrvineGraduate Division, Irvine, CA - co-op (2012) Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship Program
University of California, Santa BarbaraInstitute for Collaborative Biotechnologies, Santa Barbara, CA - co-op (2012)
University of California, Santa Cruz, Santa, Cruz, CA - co-op (2013) analyses of long-term data sets in relation to changes in natural ecosystems
University of California Santa CruzDepartment of Computer Engineering, Santa Cruz, CA - co-op (2013) Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship in Information Technology - "undergraduates who are juniors or seniors in ..., bioinformatics.."
University of ChicagoChicago Center for Systems Biology, Chicago, IL - co-op (2012) Research Experience for Undergraduates
University of ChicagoDepartment of Physics, Chicago, IL - co-opapplication (2013) Summer Undergraduate Research Opportunities for Minorities and Women
University of ChicagoChicago Center for Systems BiologySilvio O. Conte Center, Chicago, IL - co-op (2012) Conte Center REU Program in Computational Systems Genomics of Neuropsychiatric Phenotypes
University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, OH - co-op (2013) Summer PreMedical Enrichment Program (SPEP) - not sure this is a paid opportunity
University of CincinnatiWomen in Science and Engineering Program, Cincinnati, OH - co-op (2012)
University of Colorado, Boulder, CO - co-op (2013) "Applications for the 2013 SMART Program will be accepted after January 1" - Summer Multicultural Access to Research Training
University of Colorado, DenverSchool of Medicine, Denver, CO - co-op (2013) Graduate Experience for Multicultural Students Program summer research internship, Topics in Biomedical Science and Research
University of Colorado, DenverSchool of MedicineDepartment of Pharmacology, Denver, CO - co-op (2012) Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) program for underrepresented Populations
University of ConnecticutDepartment of Physiology and Neurobiology, Stoors, CT - co-op (2012)
University of ConnecticutSchool of Dental Medicine, Farmington, CT - co-op (2013) Aetna Health Professions Partnership Initiative Summer Research Fellowship Program
University of Connecticut Health Center, Farmington, CT - co-op (2013) Clinical Summer Research Fellowship Program (6-week program)
University of Connecticut Health CenterSchool of Dental Medicine, Farmington, CT - co-op (2013) "Application deadline is March 15 (annually)." - College Summer Felloswhip Program
University of Connecticut Health Center, Farmington, CT - co-op (2013) Aetna Health Professions Partnership Initiative Summer Research Fellowship Program
University of FloridaCollege of MedicineOffice of Minority Affairs, Gainesville, FL - co-op (2012)
University of FloridaDepartment of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, Gainseville, FL - co-op (2011) Research Experience for Undergraduates in Water Resources
University of GeorgiaDepartment of Genetics, Athens, GA - co-op (2012) Fungal Genomics & Computational Biology
University of GeorgiaDepartment of Microbiology, Athens, GA - co-op (2012) "minorities, and deaf/hard-of-hearing students are strongly encouraged to apply" - provides Accommodations and Support Services for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Participants
University of Hawaii, Hilo, HI - co-op (2013) "We will reopen for applications in early 2013" - Pacific Internship Programs for Exploring Science
University of Illinois at ChicagoGraduate College, Chicago, IL - co-op (2013) Summer Research Opportunities Program
University of IowaGraduate College, Iowa City, IA - co-op (2013) Summer Research Opportunities Program/McNair Scholars Program
University of KentuckyDepartment of Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, Lexington, KY - co-op (2012) "Applicants should be majoring in biochemistry, chemistry, biology or a related subject" - "This REU Site Program is targeted at undergraduates who are residents of Appalachia and/or underrepresented minorities"
University of Kentucky College of MedicineDepartment of Biochemistry, Lexington, KY - co-op (2012) "A wide variety of projects are offered, including research in structural biology, biophysics, proteomics, protein and nucleic acid chemistry, membrane biochemistry, and molecular biology"
University of LouisvilleSchool of MedicineDepartment of Physiology and Biophysics, Louisville, KY - co-op (2012) Summer Cardiovascular Research Program "for undergraduate students from under-represented and under-served populations "
University of MaineNortheast Alliance for Graduate Education and the Professoriate, Orono, ME - co-op (2012) Summer Undergraduate Research Opportunities
University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Baltimore, MD - co-op (2010 information) (2011) "Please note that the final application deadline is February 15, 2011" - Short-Term Education Program for Underrepresented Persons (STEP-UP)
University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Baltimore, MD - co-op (2012) Summer Biomedical Training Program
University of Maryland Eastern ShorePaul S. Sarbanes Coastal Ecology Teaching and Research Center, Princess Anne, MD - co-op (2012) REU in Marine and Estuarine Science e
University of Massachusetts-AmherstAlliances for Graduate Education and the Professoriate, Amherst, MA - co-op (2012) Summer Program for Undergraduate Research
University of Massachusetts-Boston, Boston, MA - co-op (2012) Coastal Research in Environmental Science and Technology (CREST)
University of Massachusetts Medical Center, Worcester, MA - co-op (2013) Summer Undergraduate Research Program
University of Massachusetts Medical CenterDepartment of Psychiatry, Worcester, MA - co-op (2010 information) (2013) "Program information and the on-line application are found 2013 Summer Undergraduate Research Program
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI - co-op (2013) Summer Research Opportunity Program
University of MichiganCollege of Pharmacy, Ann Arbor, MI - co-op (2013) "research experience in the areas of biochemistry, biophysics, cheminformatics, computational chemistry, enzymology, marine biology, molecular biology and plant biology"
University of MichiganEcology and Evolutionary Biology, Ann Arbor, MI - co-opapplication (2012) Enhancing Diversity, Quality, and Understanding of the Ecological and Evolutionary Sciences for Tomorrow
University of MichiganSchool of Public Health, Ann Arbor, MI - co-op (2012) 
University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, MI - co-op (2013) "New informaiton for summer 2013 coming soon" - "Pre-MSTP" Summer Research Program
University of Michigan Medical SchoolDepartment of Molecular and Integrative Physiology, Ann Arbor, MI - co-op (2012) Summer Undergraduate Research in Physiology
University of Michigan Medical SchoolDepartment of Pharmacology, Ann Arbor, MI - co-op (2012) Charles Ross Summer Research Fellowship for Minority Undergraduate/Graduate Students
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN - co-op (2012) Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship Program on Risk Analysis for Introduced Species and Genotypes - "We recruit a select group of undergraduates to conduct summer research with our faculty and students on topics related to invasive species and genetically modified organisms"
University of MississippiAlliance for Graduate Education in Mississippi, Jackson, MS - co-op (2013) Summer Research Institute for Undergraduates
University of MontanaDivision of Biological Sciences, Missoula, MT - co-op (2013) Introductory Multicultural Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (IM-SURE) program
University of Nebraska-LincolnOffice of Graduate Studies, Lincoln, NE - co-op (2013) Summer Research Program
University of Nebraska Medical CenterBiochemistry & Molecular Biology Dept, Omaha, NE - co-op (2013) "The application period will be open again in January 2013" - Summer Undergraduate Research Program
University of Nebraska Medical CenterOffice of Student Equity and Multicultural Affairs, Omaha, NE - co-op (2012) Summer Underrepresented/Graduate Research Program for Students from Disadvantaged Backgrounds
University of New Mexico School of Medicine Biomedical Research Education Program, Albuquerque, NM - co-op (2011) for students from New Mexico and AK, ID, MT, NM. NV& WY
University of North Carolina at Chapel HillNorth Carolina Health Careers Access Program, Chapel Hill, NC - co-op (2013) "Want to apply to S.E.P. 2013? Email us at to be added to our S.E.P. interest listserv. We’ll let you know when the application opens in the fall" - Science Enrichment Preparation Program
University of North Carolina at Chapel HillSchool of Medicine, Chapel Hill, NC - co-op (2013) "If you won't be graduating until 2014, we encourage you to apply again next year" - Summer Research Experience for Undergraduates
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Schools of Medicine and Dentistry, Chapel Hill, NC - co-op (2013) "The (2013) application will reopen on October 1st, 2012" Medical Education Development (MED) Program - "...applicants should be premedical or pre-dental candidates with one year remaining before desired application to professional school"
University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, ND - co-op (2012) Preference will be given to students from groups underrepresented in the sciences and to first generation college students (students who parents did not graduate from college)
University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth, Fort Worth, TX - co-op (2012) HBCU Undergraduate Collaborative Summer Training Program in Prostate Cancer
University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth, Fort Worth, TX - co-op (2012) McNair Scholars Program
University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth, Fort Worth, TX - co-op (2012) Summer Multicultural Advanced Research Training (SMART) Program
University of Oklahoma Health Science CenterGraduate College, Oklahoma City, OK - co-opapplication (2013) Native American Research Center for Health - Applicants must be a member of any Oklahoma Tribe; preference will be given to Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Muscogee, and Seminole tribal members
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA - co-op (2013) Summer Undergraduate Minority Research Program
University of PennsylvaniaNano/Bio Interface Center, Philadelphia, PA - co-op (2012)
University of PittsburghModels of Infectious Disease Agent Study (MIDAS) National Center of Excellence, Pittsburgh, PA - co-op (2012) Summer Research Program - "a summer research opportunity for undergraduate students in the field of computational modeling and simulation of infectious diseases"
University of PittsburghSchool of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA - co-op (2012) Summer Premedical Academic Enrichment Program
University of PittsburghSchool of MedicineDepartment of Computational and Systems Biology, Pittsburgh, PA - co-op (2012) Training and Experimentation in Computational Biology (TECBio): Simulation and Visualization of Biological Systems at Multiple Scale
University of Rhode IslandRhode Island IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence, Kingston, RI - co-opapplication (2012)
University of Rochester Medical CenterThe Center for Advocacy, Community Health, Education and Diversity, Rochester, NY - co-op (2013) Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) Program 
University of Southern CaliforniaDornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences, Los Angeles, CA - co-op (2012) Latino Mental Health Research Training Program - "..comprised of an intensive one-week training seminar at USC, and a 10-week training program at Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla in Puebla México" - requires excellent Spanish language oral and written skills
University of ToledoCollege of Medicine, Toledo, OH - co-op (2012) Clinical Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship
University of ToledoCollege of MedicineDepartment of Physiology and Pharmacology, Toledo, OH - co-op (2012) ASPET Anthony and Theresa Zannoni Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship
University of Utah, Molecular Biology Program, Salt Lake City, UT - co-op (2012) Undergraduate Research Access for Minorities Program
University of VermontCollege of MedicineDepartment of Neurological Scieces, Butlington, VT - co-op (2013) Neuroscience Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships
University of Virginia School of Medicine, Charlottesville, VA - co-op (2011 information), (2012) application overview - 2012 On-line Application
University of WashingtonGenomics Outreach for Minorities, Seattle, WA - co-op (2012) "The application for next summer's (2012) program will be available in December" - scroll down toUndergraduate Summer Research Program
University of Wisconsin-MadisonDepartment of Biostatistics and Medical Bioinformatics, Madison, WI - co-op (2012) Computational Biology and Biostatistics Summer Research Program - "majoring in ...biology, and have successfully completed at least one year of calculus"
University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI - co-op (2011) Ecology, Plant & Environmental Systems
University of Wisconsin-MadisonMolecular and Environmental Toxicology Center, Madison, WI - co-op (2012) Summer Research Opportunities Program for Minority Students
University of Wisconsin-MadisonSynchrotron Radiation Center, Madison, WI - co-op (2011) Synchrotron Radiation Center Research Experience for Undergraduates - "interested in a research project related ...biosciences..."
University of Wisconsin-MilwaukeeSchool of Freshwaer Sciences, Milwaukee, WI - co-op (2012) Summer Internships in Aquatic Sciences
US Food & Drug AdministrationCenter for Veterinary Medicine, Rockville, MD - co-op (2011) Summer Intern (SI) Program "Windows to Regulatory Research"
Vanderbilt University School of MedicineSummer Science Academy, Nashville, TN - co-op (2013) "The 2013 summer applications will be available on September 28, 2012" - Clinical opportunities for undergraduates interested in careers in medicine
Vanderbilt University School of MedicineSummer Science AcademyNashville, TN - co-op (2013) "The 2013 summer applications will be available on September 28, 2012" - Vanderbilt Minority Summer Research Program
Vanderbilt University School of MedicineSummer Science AcademyNashville, TN - co-op (2013) "The 2013 summer applications will be available on September 28, 2012" - Vascular Biology-Short Term Training Program for Minority Students
Virginia Tech (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University), Multicultural Academic Opportunities Program, Blacksburg, VA - co-op (2013) Undergraduate Summer Research Internship
Virginia Tech (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University),
 Virginia Bioinformatics Institute, Blacksburg, VA - co-op (2012) Microbiology in the Post Genome EraVirginia Tech (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University)Virginia Bioinformatics Institute, Blacksburg, VA - co-op (2013) Modeling and Simulation in Systems Biology - "Applications from students ...the computational sciences are welcome"
Wadsworth CenterNew York State Department of Health, Albany, NY - co-op (2013) Research Experience for Undergraduates
Wake Forest University School of MedicineHypertension & Vascular Research Center, Winston-Salem, NC - co-op (2013) Excellence in Cardiovascular Sciences Summer Program for underrepresented minorities
Wake Forest University School of Medicine, Translational Science Institute, Winston-Salem, NC - co-op (2013) Translational Science Institute Scholars Program
Washington State University, Pullman, WA - co-op (2012) Plant Genomics and Biotechnology
Washington University in St. Louis, St Louis, MO - co-op (2013) Amgen Scholars Program
Washington University in St. LouisDivision of Biology & Biomedical Sciences, St. Louis, MO - co-op (2013) Biomedical Research Apprenticeship Program (BioMedRAP)
Weill Medical College of Cornell University, New York, NY - co-op (2012) "Please check back with us by December 1, 2011 for applications for the 2012 Gateways to the Laboratory Program"
Weill Medical College of Cornell University, New York, NY - co-op (2012) Travelers Summer Research Fellowship Program
Whitney Laboratory for Marine Bioscience, St. Augustine, FL - co-op (2012) Research Experience for Undergraduates
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA - co-op (2013) "The online application link for the 2013 Fellowship program will be made available on November 5, 2012. Applications will be accepted from November 5, 2012 through February 15, 2013." - Undergraduate Fellowships for Minorities
Worcester Polytechnic InstituteDepartment of Biomedical Engineering, Worcester, MA - co-op (2012) "It will not be offered Summer 2012, but will likely resume in 2013" - Integrated Bioengineering Research, Education, and Outreach Opportunities for Females and Underrepresented Minorities
Wright State University School of Medicine, Dayton, OH - co-op (2013) "We will begin accepting applications for the 2013 STREAMS program beginning in October 2012" - Short-Term Training Program to Increase Diversity in Health-Related Research
Xavier University of LouisianaCenter for Undergraduate Research, New Orleans. LA - co-op (2013) Research Experiences for Undergraduates

Yale UniversityGraduate School of Arts and Sciences, New Haven, CT - co-op (2012) Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship - "There are two methods for applying to the summer program. - The Graduate School is a member of The Leadership Alliance and encourages qualified applicants to apply through this program (SR-EIP). Each year a small number of students are fully funded when they apply directly to the Yale’s SURF program."
Yale UniversitySchool of Medicine, New Haven, CT - co-op (2013) BioSTEP - Biomedical Science Training and Enrichment Program (for Minority Students)

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