Friday, October 12, 2012

Northern Manhattan events in NYC Parks uptown...

Northern Manhattan Parks 
Join us for It's My Park Day opportunities and a special walking tour of Dyckman Valley!
Delving into Dyckman Valley's Past with Sidney Horenstein
Sunday, October 14
1:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m.
Join Sidney Horenstein, geologist and Educator Emeritus, American Museum of Natural History, as he leads his geology, history and natural history walk through Dyckman Valley. Dyckman Street and 125th Street are the only sea level acesses to the Hudson River in the northern half of Manhattan Island. Both developed along major NYC faults and both were the locations of early communities. The walk will point out some of the botanical and geological features of Dyckman Street and the shore path south of it. Location: Anne Loftus Playground (in Fort Tryon Park).
Sunday, October 14, 2012
10:00 a.m.
Meet at Inwood Hill Nature Center (in Inwood Hill Park)
For more information please contact the Urban Park Rangers at (212) 304-2365.
It's My Park Day! 
On It's My Park Day, give a little back to your favorite park. Throughout the city, New Yorkers will be chipping in to clean up and help maintain their parks and playgrounds with the help of Partnerships for Parks. 

Fort Washington Park 
Saturday, October 20
9:00 a.m.
Rocky's Run Volunteers needs help to clean-up, spread woodchips and plant bulbs around the dog run.
Meet on the west side of 165th Street and Riverside Drive.

Inwood Hill Park 
Saturday, October 20
10:00 a.m.
Help Inwoof clean Homer's Run and plant bulbs.
Meet at the dog run. Enter Inwood Hill Park from Isham Street and Seaman Avenue and go toward the flagpole.

Sherman Creek
Saturday, October 20
11:00 a.m.
Help the Friends of Sherman Creek beautify Sherman Creek Parks at the street ends on 202nd, 203rd and 204th Streets, plus help with a coastal clean-up.
Meet at 203rd street and 9th Avenue near the Harlem River.
Highbridge Park
Saturday, October 20
10:00 a.m.
Highbridge Canine Club and NYRP are having a dog run clean-up and bulb planting.
Meet at 191st and Amsterdam Avenue.

Riverside Oval
Saturday, October 20
9:00 a.m.
Help Riverside Oval Association plant bulbs and spread woodchips.
Meet inside the Greenstreet at 156th Street and Riverside Drive.

Bruce's Garden
Saturday, October 20
11:00 a.m.
Help Isham Park Restoration Program 1970, Inc. paint the garden shed, plant bulbs and spread woodchips.
Meet in the garden on Park Terrace East and 214th Street in Isham Park.

Street Trees along Academy Street
Saturday, October 20
11:00 a.m.
Have fun caring for our street trees with the Rose Court Tentant Association.
Meet at Payson Avenue Parkhouse, near Henshaw and Dyckman Street.

Indian Road Playground
Saturday, October 20
11:00 a.m.
Help clean-up and rake leaves with Friends of Indian Road Playground.
Meet at the playground near 214th street and Indian Road inside the park.

Bennett Park
Saturday, October 20
1:00 p.m.
Help the Bennett Park Community Alliance paint the fences around the playground and plant bulbs.
Meet near the playground near 184th Street. Enter the park from Ft. Washington Avenue.
West 181st Street Stairs Community Garden
Sunday, October 21
10:00 a.m.
Come help West 181st Street Beautification Project clean-up and plant bulbs.
Meet at Pinehurst and 181st Street.
J. Hood Wright Park 
Saturday, October 27
10:00 a.m.
Help the Friends of J. Hood Wright Park with clean-up and plant bulbs near the dog run.
Meet by the Dog Run near Haven Avenue and 173rd Street.

Fort Tryon Park
Sunday, October 28
10:00 a.m.
Help the Friends Committee of the Ft. Tryon Park Trust to plant bulbs throughout subway terrace.
Meet at Margaret Corbin Circle entrance to the Heather Garden.
Isham Park
Sunday, October 28
10:00 a.m.
Help Volunteer's for Isham Park (VIP) with planting various bulbs and other beautifying efforts.
Meet by the Memorial Stone benches inside the park above Broadway and 212th enter at Broadway and 211th and walk north.

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