Thursday, October 25, 2012

Attention seniors applying to Wellesley College! Want an off-campus interview? Sign up on line!

Off-Campus Interview

If you can't come to campus, you may request an off-campus interview with an alumna interviewer near your hometown. To do so, please fill out the appropriate Off-Campus Interview Request Form below.  Please note both the interview request deadline and application deadline for each decision plan. Learn more about decision plans.
  • Applicants may only have one interview. If you have had or plan to have an on-campus interview, please do not request an off-campus interview.
  • Interviews are recommended; however, they are not a required part of the application process. We make every effort to connect students with alumnae interviewers. In the event that there is no alumna in your area, we will notify you. Not having an interview will not adversely affect your application plan or status. An interview is required for accelerating, Davis Degree, and postbaccalaureate candidates.
  • You must indicate your decision plan in order for us to process your request in a timely fashion. Please note the interview request deadline and application deadline for your decision plan.
  • Please complete the Interview Request Form below.  Allow 5-10 business days for your request to be processed via email.
  • If you are applying under the Regular Decision Plan and request your interview in late December, you might not hear from an alumna until early January.
  • For international candidates applying from outside the United States, we only have a limited number of places where we can offer off campus interviews. If we are unable to offer you an interview, please note as stated above that interviews are not required for admission to Wellesley.

Please choose a decision plan below and note the deadlines for requesting an interview and for submitting your admission application. We try to allow sufficient time for your interview to be completed before your application deadline.
For students attending U.S. high schools
For international students (attending high schools outside the U.S.)
Interview request deadlineOct. 15 Please note this deadline has passed.
Application deadlineNov. 1
For students attending U.S. high schools
For international students (attending high schools outside the U.S.)
Interview request deadlineDec. 15
Application deadlineJan. 1
For students attending U.S. high schools
For international students (attending high schools outside the U.S.)
Interview request deadline
Jan. 1
Application deadlineJan. 15
(Students leaving high school after grade 11)
For students attending U.S. schools
Interview request deadlineJan. 1
Application deadlineJan. 15
For students attending U.S. schools
Interview request deadlineFeb. 15
Application deadlineMar. 1
For students attending U.S. schools
Interview request deadlineOct. 15 Please note this deadline has passed.
Application deadlineNov. 1
DAVIS DEGREE PROGRAM (Continuing Education)
For women at least 24 years old attending U.S. schools
Interview request deadlineFeb. 15 US; Jan. 1 Intl
Application deadlineMar. 1 US; Jan. 15 Intl

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