Thursday, October 25, 2012

Whitney Museum of American Art Teen Programs

Whitney Museum of American Art 
Teen Programs

Youth Insights currently offers two free, semester-long after-school programs each spring and fall for 10th through 12th grade New York City high school students:


The Youth Insights Artists program brings teens together with contemporary artists, providing opportunities to work collaboratively, discuss art critically, think creatively, and make art inspired by this exchange. YI Artists meet on Wednesday afternoons from 4 to 6:30 pm.


In the Youth Insights Writers program, teens work closely with contemporary artists to explore art and the connections between art and text through critical and creative writing. YI Writers meet on Tuesday afternoons from 4 to 6:30 pm.


YI Writers meet on Tuesday afternoons from 4–6:30 pm
YI Artists meet on Wednesday afternoons from 4–6:30 pm
September-December 2012


Graduates of the Youth Insights Artists and Writers programs are eligible to participate in YI Leaders, a yearlong, paid after-school internship. YI Leaders is an opportunity to gain experience working in a museum education department and to serve as an ambassador to your community. Applicants should be prepared to work 3–10 hours per week.
YI Leaders: 
  • Organize public programs and events for other teens from around the city, from artist’s talks to hands-on workshops; 
  • Learn to develop and lead interactive tours of the Whitney’s collection and exhibitions;
  • Assist educators in the Whitney’s Family and Community education programs; 
  • Develop online interpretive materials and maintain the Whitney’s teen blog.



    Graduates of Youth Insights Artists and Writers may continue in the Summer Intensive Program.

    In the summer program you will:
    • Go behind the scenes at the Whitney to learn how an art museum operates;
    • Explore arts organizations around the city;
    • Meet arts professionals and learn about different careers firsthand;
    • Build your resume and practice interview skills.


    Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday afternoons, 2–5 pm 
    The deadline for the 2012 Summer Intensive with Youth Insights has passed.
    July-August, 2012
    The online application for the Summer Intensive Program will be available in spring 2013.

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