Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Have you already qualified to be a NYC Lifeguard? Do you need to take the NYC Lifeguard Training Program?

Lifeguard Training Program

After you pass the qualifying test, your training to be a New York City Lifeguard begins – and it isn't easy. You will be enrolled in the Municipal Lifeguard Training Program; a state-certified program that teaches applicants the critical skills of CPR, first-aid, and techniques for saving a swimmer in distress. You must successfully complete the Municipal Lifeguard Training Program to become certified as a New York City Lifeguard. Other lifeguard certifications are not accepted.
Once enrolled in the program you will also have the opportunity to strengthen your swimming skills and improve your conditioning. As part of the program, you will be issued a pass that allows you to practice at all of the City's 11 indoor pools.
Successful completion of the training program means that you have:
  • Completed all 40 hours of training.
  • Passed a CPR course.
  • Passed all final swimming tests and a written test.
Note: you must be able to swim 440 yards in 7 minutes and 40 seconds to qualify for a pool assignment, or 6 minutes and 40 seconds to qualify for a beach assignment. Beach lifeguards must also complete a 300-yard ocean swim.
If you successfully complete the training program, you may be offered a full-time job for the summer working in one of the best cities in the world.

Know someone who’s Whistle Worthy?

Invite a friend or three to become a lifeguard as well. Download [PDF] and print our poster and share it. Your summer could be double—or triple—the fun with a friend!

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