Wednesday, February 20, 2013

FREE- Connected Teen Art Lab at the Rubin Museum (successful participants may be eligible for on-going partnerships)... Deadline March 1, 2013...

FREE- Connected Teen Art Lab at the Rubin Museum (successful participants may be eligible for on-going partnerships)...
March 1, 2013

Connected City Teen Art Lab 
Mondays from 4:15 – 6:15: March 11 – May 27, 2013
Experience an art museum like never before! Kick off each session by investigating a work of art in the Museum followed by a related NYC trip to off the beaten track temples, contemporary art events, cuisine, theater and museums in this FREE first ever COMPLETELY TEEN RUN program. Be part of a ground breaking initiative to create a virtual teen art world in which teens can access other teens talking about art all over the city.

• Explore Himalayan Art and Culture
• Take related art adventures and expand your repertoire of must see cultural treasures in NYC
• Learn the art of discussion as part of a passionate group of teens who love art
• Work on a dedicated team of teens to produce the first virtual teen art world

What do you mean completely teen run?
Your group facilitators are teens who have been in programs like yours and work at the Museum to design and lead the sessions. Join a warm community of teens who explore art all over the city and deepen your ability to have incredible conversations and philosophical musings about art and culture.

What will happen to our amazing conversations? Tell me more about this virtual art world project. 
A teen technology crew will producing videos of all your conversations as part of an exciting project in which we are producing the first online database of conversations on art for teens. Teens will be able to click on a museum and learn about a work of art by hearing a conversation that teens have had about it.

Is there opportunity to grow? 
Yes! By participating in these 12 sessions, you are eligible to apply for work positions at the Museum as part of the video production tech crew or getting paid to lead art adventures for other teens around the city.

Are our adventures free? What are some examples of trips?
Everything you do in the program is completely covered by the Museum AND you also gain a work id for the Rubin Museum of Art which gets you into any Museum in the city for FREE in your leisure time. Some sample adventures from previous programs include learning the stories of the Hindu Gods Ganesh and Kubera followed by a trip to the Ganesh Hindu temple in Queens to celebrate Diwali, the festival of lights with Hindu families. Explore works in the collection related to value then participate in Martha Rosler's gigantic yard sale at MoMA. Learn about contemplative art in the Museum then experience an authentic Japanese tea ceremony in a zen garden. 

Apply online NOW! 

Application Deadline March 1, 2013 

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