Riverside-Inwood Neighborhood Garden
Membership / Volunteer Info
If you are interested in becoming a member of Ring Garden, please print out the application and mail it to us. Click on 2011 RING Membership download the membership application; click on brochure to download “The RING Garden: the Jewel of Inwood” brochure.
Join the RING Board: Have you been a member for a little while (or a long while) and wanted to help out in some way? We have openings in the RING board now, and encourage you to come forward. Being a RING board member means that you have a larger role in deciding what goes on at RING, for example, what we plant, what events we have, what we buy, how we raise funds, and how we communicate with RINGers and those from the outside. RING can’t survive without volunteers. We need you. Please give it some thought and if you have ANY questions contact Maggie at mclarke@hunter.cuny.edu.
VOLUNTEER: You do not have to be a member in order to volunteer. Ring Garden offers a variety of volunteer opportunities. We are interested in hearing your ideas on how you would like to volunteer your time. Please feel free to contact Maggie Clarke at mclarke@hunter.cuny.edu.
Composting: We are looking for some volunteers to take care of the composting area. We need volunteers to stir, sift and distribute the compost as well as helping with keeping the area clean. To volunteer in this area, contact our composting team leader Catlin Preston at catlinrp@yahoo.com.
Fund Raising: We are looking for volunteers to help us raise some funds in order to purchase new benches for the garden.
Gardening: We need help with watering, weeding, planting. We’d love to hear your ideas on how you want to help.
Garden Sitting: In order to open the garden to our community we need folks to volunteer to garden sit. A calendar for next season (April through October) will be posted during March 2012. If you would like to volunteer one evening a week or month please let us know so we can add you to the calendar: Maggie Clarke at mclarke@hunter.cuny.edu.
Garden Events: If you would like to host an event in the garden for our community (e.g., artists, musical, children’s puppet show, workshop, potluck, etc.) please contact Maggie Clarke at mclarke@hunter.cuny.edu with your ideas. All ideas are welcome.
Pond Maintenance: The fish in the pond require a clean place to survive. We need help cleaning the filters, maintaining the pumps and cleaning the pond. Please contact please contact Maggie Clarke at mclarke@hunter.cuny.edu if you are interested in learning about pond maintenance.
Solar Panels: We are looking for volunteers to learn how to help with the solar panels, heating pumps and how these items keep the pond clean. Please contact please contact Maggie Clarke at mclarke@hunter.cuny.edu if you are interested in learning about solar maintenance.
- RING volunteers at work.
- PDF guides on how to care for RING that you can download, print and bring with you.

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