Saturday, February 9, 2013

Save the date! 6th Annual Youth Worker Leadership Conference- Sunday, April 14, 2013 12:00- 4:00 pm SUMMER JOB OPPORTUNITY FOR CARING, HARD-WORKING TEENS


Save the date! 6th Annual Youth Worker Leadership Conference- Sunday, April 14, 2013 12:00- 4:00 pm
PACE University 1 Place Plaza, New York, NY, 10038
For more information , call 212-754-7003 or email YWLC@RAMAPOFORCHILDREN.ORG

Looking for a job? Interested in working with children? Have Leadership Skills?
CLASSP – Consortia for Learning and Service to Special Populations – Select Motivated and Caring High School students are accepted to a highly competitive program of learning, training  and service sponsored by the UJA FEDERATION and JE&ZB BUTLER FOUNDATION
 Participants are hired to work in programs serving children with special needs in our KIDS CONNECTION AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM or in our SUNDAY FUNDAY PROGRAM. They will attend five mandated classes throughout the academic year and receive a college credit upon the successful completion of the course.
Please fill the application attached and return to Deena Spindler at DSPINDLER@YWASHHTS.ORG

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