Saturday, February 9, 2013

FREE offerings for teens in the Heights at the Y on Nagle... Leadership and the arts...

Leadership & The Arts

Leadership building, college readiness programs, community service projects, and the arts. The leadership staff contact teens weekly to discuss their life after high school plans, how they are doing in school, and to connect them with additional support resources if needed. Each teen is encouraged to achieve personal growth, resulting in a desire to create positive change in their lives and in their community. In the end, the program hopes each teen finds his or her voice and creative expression. For instance, our art programs allow teens to spread out and experiment with exciting art mediums (plus social media) on their own terms, in their own time. The program is divided into themed activities: Leadership/Community Service Teens have the opportunity for leadership training, personal growth, and social development. Teens engage in various community service projects throughout the city. Career/College exploration Teens prepare for the next step in their life by exploring various options available, college and the workforce. These next steps are paved with classes in resume building, interview skills, college applications, scholarship research, and small group discussions. Other activities help teens explore their talents and foster new skills. These activities include: Performing Arts, Zumba, Digital Media, and Graffiti Arts

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