Wednesday, September 20, 2017

FALL 2017 Girls, Inc. Become a founding member of the WHEELS & Girls, Inc, Project. Preference given to sophomores and juniors. Especially qualified first years and seniors considered. Girls, women, and non-binary folks all welcome.

Interested in gender equity?
Curious about feminism?
Believe that the future is female?

Become a founding member of the 
WHEELS & Girls, Inc, Project.
Preference given to sophomores and juniors.
Especially qualified first years and seniors considered.
Girls, women, and non-binary folks all welcome. 

Still curious?

Fall 2017
Attend an informational session at WHEELS.
Be accepted. 
Commit to twice/month training sessions.
Train to facilitate peer wellness workshops.
Become a facilitator.

Spring 2018
Meet monthly. 
Facilitate peer workshops.
Attend a citywide event to share learning.


Friday, September 29, 2017
1:30 PM
Room 420
Come with an open mind and heart. 

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