Monday, September 4, 2017

FALL 2017 FREE CUNY CREDITS RIGHT NOW, Y'ALL... Juniors and seniors with a 75% or higher on the NYS ELA REGNST EXAM see Ms. MacNeil ASAhumanlyP. Even sooner.

Thank you for your interest in the College Now program at Borough of Manhattan Community College.

To enroll in a college credit course, you must be a junior or a senior in a NYC public high school in the FALL 2017 (August 26 – December 12th) and demonstrate that you meet the criteria listed below. Please review the eligibility requirements before submitting your application.
- 480 on the Verbal section of the SAT or at least a 75 on the English Language Arts Regents or at least a 50 on the Verbal section of the PSAT.
 - At least a 480 on the Mathematics section of the SAT or at least an 70 on the Mathematics A Regents Exam or the Sequential II Regents or at least 50 on the Math section of the PSAT.
- Students who have not taken the Regents must have an overall high school GPA of 80 and include a letter of recommendation with your application.
Priority Deadline: May 31, 2017

Your completed application will include: College Now application (Please include BOTH the student’s Social Security number and OSIS number. Application with missing information will not be accepted) A copy of your high school transcript. Signed Withdrawal Policy College Now Photo/ Video/ Website Waiver INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED. Acceptance notifications will be sent via email at the beginning of July. Please give us a call to confirm that we have received Your application. If you or your parents have any questions, please contact us at (212) 346-8489. We look forward to seeing you at Borough of Manhattan Community College. Sincerely, Peter Williams Peter Williams Director, College Now Contact Information College Now Office 212-346-8489 212-346-8457 70 Murray Street, Room1206A Tel: 212-346-8489 New York, NY 10007 STUDENT CONTRACT COLLEGE NOW at BMCC I, as a participant in the College Now program, understand that I am expected to: Attend all class sessions for College Now. Complete all assignments. Request tutorial services when needed and attend all sessions. Participate in mandatory workshops. In addition, I must return all borrowed materials such as textbooks, to my College Now liaison/counselor on the last day of class, or upon withdrawing from the course. Note: If a student intends to withdraw from a class (without academic penalty), proper paperwork must Be signed in the BMCC College Now office during the withdrawal period. The textbook must be returned at that time. Remain focused and have a productive year. Peter Williams Director, College Now Borough of Manhattan Community College “It’s nice to dream, but it’s better to plan…” Print Name: _ OSIS#: Your signature: Date: _ Parent’s signature: _ 70 Murray Street, Room1206A Tel: 212-346-8489 New York, NY 10007 College Now Saturday Courses – Fall 2017 (Please note: Changes might occur. All classes will take place on Saturdays.)

Introduction to Anthropology ANT 100 3 Credits the evolution and behavior of human beings as cultural animals are the focus of this course. Students are introduced to the basic concepts and methods of the major divisions of anthropology: physical, social and cultural; archeology and linguistics. Emphasis is placed on preliterate societies to facilitate the study of the interrelation of various aspects of culture.

Introduction to Business BUS 104 3 Credits Business and industry in the United States are surveyed broadly in this course. Emphasis is placed on the historical development, objectives, methods of operation, and the interrelationships of management, labor and government. Included is the study of new developments and trends in business administration and the problems they engender in the total management process.

Critical Thinking CRT 100 3 Credits Critical Thinking is designed to develop the mind and help students learn to think clearly and effectively. Through substantive readings, structured writing assignments and ongoing discussions, students will examine concrete examples from their own experience and readings and contemporary issues in the media to learn how to analyze issues, solve problems, and make informed decisions in their academic, professional, and personal lives.

Computer Programming I CSC 110 4 Credits this course introduces the student to the theoretical and practical aspects of computers. The major laboratory experience is the completion of programming projects using Polya's four-step method. These projects have been carefully selected and ordered to provide the student with experience in fundamental control and data structures. All practical programming work is done on microcomputers.

Comprehensive Health Education HED 110 3 Credits This course in health educations offers a comprehensive approach that provides students with the knowledge, skills, and behavioral models to enhance their physical, emotional, social, intellectual and spiritual health as well as facilitate their health decision-making ability. Areas of specialization include: alcohol, tobacco and abused substances, mental and emotional health, human sexuality and family living, nutrition, physical fitness, cardiovascular health, environmental health and health care delivery. HED 110 fulfills all degree requirements for HE 100. Students who have completed HED 100 - Health Education will not receive credit for this course. 70 Murray Street, Room1206A Tel: 212-346-8489 New York, NY 10007

Introduction to Human Services & Social Work HUM 101 3 Credits This course introduces students to the field of Human Services and the profession of Social Work. Those human services which deal with social and personal problems are explored as well as the knowledge base, the skills base and the values base of the social work profession. Students are exposed to the methods of working with people as individuals, in groups and on a community level. This course meets the requirements as a liberal arts elective in social science.

General Psychology PSY 100 3 Credits This course stresses adaptive human behavior in relation to the environment. Topics considered include: origins and methods of psychology, neuropsychological bases of behavior, maturation, motivation, emotion, learning frustration and conflict.

Introduction to Sociology SOC 100 3 Credits This course analyzes the structure, processes and products associated with group living. Attention is focused on the concepts of social organization, culture, groups, stratification, major social institutions and significant trends in group living.

Fundamentals of Speech SPE 100 3 Credits The aim of this course is to develop effective skills in speech communication. The student examines how to generate topics and organize ideas, master’s elements of audience psychology, and practices techniques of speech presentation in a public forum. 

Other stuff to think about...

College Now @ Borough of Manhattan Community College Tel: 212-346-8489 70 Murray Street, Room1206A New York, NY 10007 College Now Photo/ Video/ Website Waiver Parent's Name: Child's Name: College Now Partner: Borough of Manhattan Community College Date: I hereby consent to allow my child to appear live and/or on videotape and/or audiotape and/or in photographs and/or promotional materials produced by College Now, the New York State Higher Education Services Corporation, or the State of New York. I authorize College Now, the New York State Higher Education Services Corporation, or the State of New York to edit his/her appearance, duplicate his/her appearance in whole or in part for broadcast transmission, exhibition, playback, adaptation, print advertisements, or marketing media, and other uses in any manner or media as they may see fit to promote College Now, the New York State Higher Education Services Corporation, or the State of New York. I expressly waive any claim that he/she or I may have against College Now, the New York State Higher Education Services Corporation, or the State of New York, its officers and staff, and/or other participants by reason of inclusion of recordings, duplications, or advertisements of him/her in the College Now Program by College Now, the New York State Higher Education Services Corporation or the State of New York College Now, the New York State Higher Education Services Corporation, or the State of New York may use his/her name, voice and likeness to promote and advertise the College Now Program, the New York State Higher Education Services Corporation, or the State of New York. Parent's Signature Street Address City, State and Zip Code Please write the Courses you would like to take AND the Day it’s offered: 1 st Choice: 2 nd Choice: College Now @ Borough of Manhattan Community College Tel: 212-346-8489 70 Murray Street, Room1206A New York, NY 10007 Withdrawal Policy COLLEGE NOW at BMCC Dear Student (& Parent), Welcome to College! As a registered student within the College Now program, an official college record and transcript is established. As a college student, you must adhere to all BMCC policies, including: registration and withdrawals procedures. When you apply to the program and are accepted, you are making a commitment to finish the course to the end. Although we understand personal issues might stop you from continuing the program, it is your responsibility to contact the College Now program to properly withdraw from classes and process the necessary documents. To do this, you must set up an appointment, you must contact our office at 212.346.8457 or email Diamond Brooks, Assistant Director of the College Now Program at After the necessary documents are signed and your textbook has been returned, you will receive a “W” as your final grade in the course. However, please note that students who do not fill out the “Official Withdrawal Form” have not properly withdrawn from the course. As a result, a "WU" (Withdraw Unsatisfactory) grade will be assigned and placed on your transcript as your final grade. A “WU” grade will be calculated in your cumulative grade-point average as a "F." We encourage students to NOT withdraw because when students who have receive a “W” and/or “F” as their final grade for their College Now course and plan to attend BMCC for college, it will have an impact on the amount of financial aid you will be able to receive. In addition, receiving a “W” and/or “F” as your final grade, will affect your grade point average, thus this can place a student on academic probation coming into college as a freshmen. As a result, the student must go through an Appeal process and this also prevents a freshmen student from receiving a full financial aid package due to the unsatisfactory grade point average as a freshmen student. For this reason, it is very important that a student commits to the end and/or communicate with our office if any issues that will stop them from attending the program. Below, you will find the steps that occur within the Appeal Process for a BMCC student: The process for completing an appeal is as follows: 1. Go to the Registrar's office to pick up the appropriate appeal form for Academic matters (Financial Aid for financial aid matters). A staff member there may ask you for more information to determine if you qualify. 2. Bring the form to the Counseling Center (S-343) to discuss the circumstances. In most cases the counselor will advise you to secure appropriate documentation verifying your situation. 3. Get the appropriate signatures or documentation and meet with a counselor for a recommendation. 4. Return the completed appeal to the Registrar's office. Please note that the appeal process is somewhat lengthy and may take time to approve. Information and documentation that verifies your situation can expedite the process. Please feel free to call me or email me if you have any questions. Sincerely, Peter Williams Peter Williams Director, College Now Parent's Signature Student's Signature t CollegeNow Registration Form Student Application / Registration Form * Note: The College Now program requires all participating students to register using their Social Security Number (SSN). For students who are not US citizens and who are interested in participating, CUNY will generate a number that will function in the same way as the SSN. Please PRINT clearly and legibly. Student CUNY EMPLID (Must be completed if you are a Returning Student) Student OSIS Number Social Security Number (Must write FULL SSN) First Name Last Name Middle Initial Street Address Apt. # City State Zip Email Address (PRINT ONLY) Date of Birth (MM / DD / YYYY) / / Sex (M/F) Home ( ) - Cell ( ) - Race / Ethnicity 1. Are you Hispanic / Latino? Yes No 2. Select one or more races: American Indian / Alaska Native Asian Citizenship Status (select one): US Citizen Other Unknown Black / African American Native Hawaiian White Permanent Resident Non-US Citizen What is your parent or guardian's highest level of education? (select one): Post Graduate or Professional College Degree Some College Education High School Graduate Some High School 8th Grade or Less I don't know HS ETS Code High School Semester CUNY College Course Level: College Credit Pre-college CN Course / CNFC CN Workshop First Time College Now Studen Returning Student How many Credits have you accumulated? (To be answered by Returning StudentsONLY) Course Location: College Campus High School Campus Instructor's Primary Affiliation: College Full Time Faculty College Part Time / Adjunct Faculty High School Teacher Updated February 2016

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