Friday, September 26, 2014

Andrea Arroyo's "Women in Movement" Art Exhibition

Andrea Arroyo's "Women in Movement" Art Exhibition
Congratulations to Washington Height's own Andrea Arroyo on her exhibition, "Women in Movement" at the Women's Rights National Historical Park Gallery in Seneca Falls, NY (136 Fall Street), site of the first Women's Rights Convention, July 19-20, 1848.. This show features recent works that incorporate hand-made textiles -such as a Mexican huipil, and an Indian prayer shawl- and are inspired by mythical and historical women of achievement from around the world, including two works in tribute to the pioneers of the Women's Movement, Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton. On display September 15th - October 15th, 9am-5pm (weds-Sun only); opening Saturday, September 27th, 1pm-4pm.

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