Monday, April 22, 2013

In collaboration with our partners, Girl Up will host the 2nd annual Girl Up Leadership Summit in the nation’s capital, Washington, DC.

In collaboration with our partners, Girl Up will host the 2nd annual Girl Up Leadership Summit in the nation’s capital, Washington, DC. Between June 10 and 12, the Leadership Summit will convene 150 youth supporters from across the United States to dive deeper into the Girl Up campaign through three days of powerful speakers, skills-based workshops and advocacy on Capitol Hill.

Girl Up Teen Advisors and Youth Champions will co-facilitate the days along with Girl Up staff. Issue-area experts, celebrity Champions and thought leaders will join us to share the best and brightest ideas. Partners and affiliates will lead skills-based workshops. Participants will walk away more educated, motivated and inspired to continue tackling the inequalities facing adolescent girls in developing countries.

Highlights from last year’s Summit included Girl Up Champion Monique Coleman, White House Speech Writer Sarah Hurwitz and a live Skype call with students from Oprah Winfrey’s Leadership Academy in South Africa. This year’s summit will incorporate new speakers, workshops and activities. Tentative plans include meeting with elected officials, a mentoring lunch with professional women and an exclusive film screening.

The Noguchi Museum: The Noguchi Museu... Applications are due by Monday, June 3rd, 2013.

The Noguchi Museum

The Noguchi Museum
The Noguchi Museum offers up to 15 high school students a school-year-long internship as members of The Museum's Teen Advisory Board (TAB). TAB interns learn about the Museum, gain an understanding of the different departments and concerns of an art museum, plan programs for other teens, create collaborative projects, and advise the Museum staff on teen-related matters. TAB meets every Wednesday from 4:30pm to 6:30pm, mid-October through late May.

Making Your Mark
Making Your Mark is a free summer program that runs from July 9- August 7 2013, Tuesdays - Fridays, 11am to 4pm. The core activities of Making Your Mark include intensive sculpture technique lessons and substantial time for teens to make their own art. Art making is supported by group reflection, discussions in the galleries of The Noguchi Museum, trips to other museums and galleries, and visits to the studios of practicing artists. The program culminates in an end-of-summer exhibition of student art, and a reception to which families and friends are invited.
Students who are entering 10th - 12th grades may apply. Applications are due by Monday, June 3rd, 2013.

FREE! Williams College! Math Camp!

The Williams College Math Camp (WCMC) is a free, one-week residential math camp for 18 mathematically gifted high school students who have completed or are currently enrolled in Algebra 2 or its equivalent. Students will be exposed to several different areas of mathematics through colloquia and other activities, but the primary focus of the camp will be Number Theory & The Art of Mathematical Thinking. Students will learn to explore the theory of numbers by asking thoughtful questions, working out examples, looking for patterns, making conjectures, and finally, proving their results.
The 2013 Camp will take place from July 8 – July 12, 2013. Participants will be provided with free room and board, but are responsible for their own transportation to and from Williams College.
WCMC is funded by the Dolciani Foundation, through the Mathematical Association of America, and Williams College.

To apply to the Williams College Math Camp, you should be a current high school student, and be enrolled in or have completed Algebra 2 or its equivalent. The following materials must be received by Monday May 6, 2013; hard copy submission is preferred but email submissions in the form of pdf attachments are acceptable as well. Applicants will be notified of admission decisions by late May. The following is a list of all required application materials.
More information.
Recommendations: Two recommendations (one academic and one personal) are required. Be sure to give each recommender a recommendation form to complete and submit with their letter. One letter should address your mathematical abilities and accomplishments, while the other letter (from a teacher, mentor, or counselor) should address your personal character.
Statement of interest (1-3 pages): Why do you want to attend WCMC? Please include information about your mathematical background and interests, and why you think the camp will be a good opportunity for you.
Math Challenge Questions: Submit clear and detailed solutions for as many questions as you can. We do not expect full solutions for every question. We’re interested in your approach to the question as well as your ability to communicate your ideas clearly and effectively. Correct answers without explanations will not be considered.

The Urban Journalism Workshop at New York University is designed to encourage teens to consider a career in journalism.

The Urban Journalism Workshop at New York University is designed to encourage teens to consider a career in journalism. Twenty high school juniors and seniors from the New York City metropolitan area (the five boroughs of NYC in addition to New Jersey, Connecticut and Westchester) will be selected to spend 10 days attending an intensive, rigorous journalism course at the NYU Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute's new state of the art facilities in Cooper Square.

July 15 - 24, 2013

Become a Backpack Reporter
At the Urban Journalism Workshop, you will learn to report and write stories and then turn those stories into pieces. You will shoot photos and create lively slideshows. Below is a list of what to expect at the Urban Journalism Workshop:
  • Experience life away from home by living in the East Village in one of the NYU dorms.
  • Get expert, insider college and career advice to help you pursue your dreams.
  • When you're finished with the program you will have created your own multimedia website, and print paper The Spectrum.
NYU faculty and visiting professionals will put you through the rigorous paces and get you on your way to producing cutting edge journalism. Alumni of the program, now in its 24th year, work at major newspapers, magazines, online publications and in TV and radio.

Lab for Robotics Education. Summer 2013. Applications accepted on a rolling basis. Astudents ages 13-15. Apply on-line!

Lab for Robotics Education
Summer Lab 2013

Presented by Amplify
When: Saturday June 29th to Saturday August 17th 2013, 8 weeks
Time: Saturday afternoons from 1-5pm
Location: Amplify’s Brooklyn office – 55 Washington St, Brooklyn NY, 11201
Student Ages: 13-15 yrs
Cost: Free
Each session in The LaRE will be a hands-on learning experience, with an emphasis on learning by doing. Starting from the first session, students will start building their robots, and then proceed to learn Arduino programming to build their own fully-functional robots. Students will be using the same equipment used by professional engineers all around the world.
The classes will provide the basics of computer and electrical engineering, but students will focus on learning how to build. At the core of the program, the students will be responsible for designing and creating a robot using their knowledge of engineering to take them from concept to a sophisticated fully functioning robot.
By the end of the program, students will
  • have developed foundational programming skills

  • know how to design and build two complete robots using the Arduino microcontroller

  • get a chance to present their work to friends, parents, and other professional engineers.

  • receive a certificate for completing a summer at The LaRE

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The Everett Children’s Adventure Garden at The New York Botanical Garden is now seeking teen applicants for our competitive internships program which takes place during the summer holidays. DUE: May 4, 2013

The Everett Children’s Adventure Garden at The New York Botanical Garden is now seeking teen applicants for our competitive internships program which takes place during the summer holidays. Students will participate in 3 shifts per week: 2 shifts during the week and one shift on the weekend. Teen “Explainers” have an integral role educating children and families visiting the Everett Children’s Adventure Garden.

There will be an Open House Saturday May 4, 2013 at 2 p.m. sharp here at the Adventure Garden.  It is not required that applicants attend the Open House, but all are strongly encouraged.

*  Applicants who are invited to be interviewed will be contacted via e-mail within five   
    business days of the application deadline.

*  Group interviews are interactive and take place at the Adventure Garden. Applicants
    accepted into the program will receive an e-mail within five business days after the

*  Explainers accepted into the program are required to complete four days
    of training at the beginning of the internship before they may begin actively
    volunteering. Training includes “shadowing” sessions working side by side with
    experienced mentor/educators. Required Training dates for the Summer 2013    
    Explainer Program: June 27, 28, 29 and 30.

 Go online to learn about the program and fill out the online application before the 11:59pm deadline on May 4th:

Urban Word NYC

Sadie Nash Summer Institute

The Summer Institute requires an initial commitment of six weeks. The summer program lasts for six weeks from July 8th – August 16th, 2013. Monday through Friday from 10:00am until 4:30pm (Fridays are trip days and we get out earlier). The Summer Institute is located in Manhattan and Newark, respectively. There will be required pre-session orientation meetings in June to prepare you for the summer, and to provide an opportunity to meet staff and to get to know each other. During the summer you and your peers will take interesting classes, meet women involved in different forms of leadership, take workshops on issues that are important to you, go on trips and explore your own and others’ leadership.
To help you cover your expenses (food and transportation) during the summer you will receive a stipend during the program for everyday that you are there. You only receive the stipend when you are at the program because it covers those two direct costs that come with attendance.
SNLP does not allow more than 3 absences during the summer program. If you have valid reasons for those absences (illness, family emergency) that you did not know about prior to the summer, we will let you return to the program the following summer. SNLP requires attendance for both the strength of the community and to enhance your experience. Also, at SNLP two late arrivals counts as an absence. Please contact us if you have more questions about these policies.
We ask you to complete the following to apply to the Summer Institute (please contact us if you would like help with writing the essay or filling out the application):
One-page form asking for general information about you.
One-page on a woman you admire and why you admire her.
This is a chance for you to find out more about us, and for us to get to know you better. We will set the interview up for a time that works for you. You should not be concerned about the interview—it is really just a chance for us to meet you and understand more about you.
Please feel free to send us any other materials that you would like to share with us (poems, essays, etc.). PLEASE do not send any original copies of the materials (we can not guarantee their return).

We ask you to complete the following to apply to the Summer Institute (please contact us if you would like help with writing the essay or filling out the application):

One-page form asking for general information about you.

Apply online

OR (Download a printable version (PDF) of the New York City Summer Insitute application packet.)
OR (Download a printable version (PDF) of the Newark Summer Insitute application packet.)
One-page on a woman you admire and why you admire
This is a chance for you to find out more about us, and for us to get to know you better. We will set the interview up for a time that works for you. You should not be concerned about the interview—it is really just a chance for us to meet you and understand more about you.
Additional Materials:
Please feel free to send us any other materials that you would like to share with us (poems, essays, etc.).
PLEASE do not send any original copies of the materials (we can not guarantee their return).
Please send these materials to: or apply directly online!

NYCLU Writing Contest! Due May 1, 2013

We want to know what issues matter to you most.
Choose a topic - racial justice, freedom of speech, immigrants’ rights, LGBTQ rights or something else – then make some noise: And let NYC hear your voice. Tell the NYCLU what equality looks like to you...
Cash prizes! No topic is off limits. All mediums are accepted.
Deadline to submit is Wednesday, May 1, 2013. Educators get prizes for submitting the most student entries!
To SUBMIT ONLINE, email your entry to Click the button below to download the entry form and instructions as a PDF.
To SUBMIT VIA MAIL, mail in your entry to:
NYCLU Contest
125 Broad St., 19th Floor
New York, NY 10004

Young People's Peace and Justice Conference

Young People's Peace and Justice Conference

Young People's Peace and Justice Conference


July 12 - 13, 2013
The 2013 Young People's Peace and Justice Conference (YPPJ) is a two-day community-building conference with a purpose to harness youth dialogue, awareness, engagement, and skills building around social justice issues. The tagline of this year's conference is "Facing Violence and Finding Love," and we aim to encourage our community and its young people to deconstruct violence, analyze its role in our lives and world, and to develop practical and applicable ideas and strategies around embracing love and peace in the interest of social responsibility and justice. YPPJ will equip participants with concrete strategies, skills, and resources for engaging in social justice work in our communities and around the world.
We would like the community to be involved in many ways including conducting workshops, skill-share sessions, and caucuses; submitting visual art to our two-day exhibition and live auction; joining a committee to assist in organizing YPPJ, becoming an intern, or volunteering your time by guiding a healing space, being a break room buddy, or many other ways. Read below and follow the links to find out more about how you can be involved.

Call for Proposals

We invite both individuals and groups to submit proposals to facilitate and lead interactive and interdisciplinary workshops, skill-sharing sessions, and caucuses focused on social justice issues that allow participants to interrogate notions of violence and/or love from various lenses.

Calls for Healing Space & Break Room Buddies

Guide a Healing Space! Healing Spaces are hour-long rotating sessions that participants can attend to learn about and exercise a healing practice - like yoga. Healing practitioners from all backgrounds are encouraged to submit proposals.
Become a Break Room Buddy! As participants journey through the conference and engage in various workshops, skill-shares, caucuses, and healing spaces, it is anticipated that some attendees will need a break to decompress or recover from emotional exhaustion. We are currently seeking experienced youth workers, counselors, social workers, social work students, crisis counselors, or those trained in crisis behavior management work, to be Break Room Buddies during the conference. Break Room Buddies can play various roles, from doling out refreshments to speaking with participants about what is on their mind. Break Room Buddies are not required to spend the entirety of the conference in their break rooms and will be scheduled for hour-long shifts.

Call for Visual Artists

The Young People's Peace and Justice Conference is seeking visual artists (painting, illustration, drawing, photography, video, sculpture, and mixed media) with work centered on issues or themes about social justice, violence, or healing to submit their art to be displayed during our conference as part of the Peace & Justice Exhibition. Artists may also indicate, on their applications, if they would like their art to be entered into a live silent auction. All proceeds from the sale will go to the artist.

Call for Community Committee Members, Interns & Volunteers

We are currently seeking Community Committee members, interns and volunteers interested in organizing the Young People's Peace and Justice Conference or helping out the day of the event which will take place July 12 - 13, 2013. Those with interest and expertise in the following areas are encouraged to join: music & production, art & design, social media & marketing, photography & media, community organizing & social justice activism, conference & event planning, violence & anti-violence work, youth advocacy & teaching, and LGBT issues.

FREE! Long Island University CAREER OPPORTUNITIES IN ACCOUNTING PROGRAM (COAP) - SUMMER 2013... Due April 20, 2013


07/07/2013 - 07/11/2013, LIU Brooklyn Event - COAP July 7School of Business, Public Administration and Information Sciences, LIU Brooklyn, 9:00 AM

Students Laying on the grass Sponsored by LIU Brooklyn's School of Business, Public Administration & Information Sciences in conjunction with the New York State Society of Public Accountants' Foundation for Accounting Education, COAP aims to encourage high school juniors to pursue careers in accounting. The weeklong program runs July 7 through July 11, 2013 and includes accommodations in the residence halls. Participation is free. In addition to a hands–on view of the accounting industry, students will experience campus life and participate in sessions on resume writing, etiquette, communication and business ethics.
The deadline has been extended to April 20, 2013. Applications are still being accepted. Download the application here: For more information, or

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Volunteer in our parks! Spring weekends!

April & May Help Rejuvenate Fort Tryon Park with the New York Junior League!

Join the New York Junior League's Playground Improvement Project (PIP) as we set out to beautify and improve Fort Tryon Park, home to The Cloisters Museum and Gardens. Our volunteers create safe, beautiful, well-organized, educational play spaces for children and other members of the New York City community.

We need you for gardening, landscaping, renovating, and making general improvements to Fort Tryon Park. PIP is a collaborative effort with the NYC Department of Parks and Recreation, corporate and community volunteers, neighborhood citizens, children and families.

Children age 13 or older are welcome to attend but must be accompanied by an adult. All children under the age of 18 must have permission slips signed by a parent or guardian to participate. Permission slips are available onsite.

When: April 20 & 21, April 27 & 28, May 4 & 5, May 11, May 18 & 19 Time: 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Rain or shine!

Where: Fort Tryon Park, Washington Heights, Upper Manhattan

Meeting Location: Anne Loftus Playground inside the park at Broadway and Dyckman


• Take A train to Dyckman St (200 Street) and continue into park (approx. 38 min from Times Square)

• Take 1 train to Dyckman St and walk 2 blocks North to the corner of the park (approx. 47 min from Times Square)

• From East Side take 4, 5, 6 train to 125th Street and pick up M100 bus to W207th St (approx. 59 min from Grand Central)

What to Wear: Volunteers will be working with soil and oil based paints. Please wear clothes you don't mind getting messy, sensible shoes and dress in layers!

For more information and to sign up, email Lydia Kim at Please mention the day(s) you would like to volunteer.

Juniors and seniors who are interested in finance and have a 3.7-ish GPA... PAID summer internship with Wells Fargo. Very competitive! Compete!

Internship Program Application
(Part 1)
Thank you for your interest in the Futures and Options Internship program. Students in our internship program participate in paid, mentored internships at a diverse group of private and nonprofit businesses in New York City.
Please read the following information about the program including what is expected of our students and what our students may expect from Futures and Options, and then complete the Internship Program Application.
Internship Placement
Futures and Options staff works to place students at sites that best match their interests and skills. Once a potential internship placement is identified, students will interview with the supervisor at the selected job site. In some cases, students will interview at several sites.
Student Responsibilities
Internship Placement: During the school year, students can work up to five days a week for a maximum of 15 hours. During the summer, students can work a total of 35 hours per week. All internships are paid. The specific hours are determined by each site supervisor and each student's schedule. Students are expected to be on time each day and work the required number of hours. The appropriate attire is dependent on each internship site and the supervisor's guidelines.
Our monthly workshops provide professional and career development and on-going support for our interns. Interns have the opportunity to share ideas and learn from each other's internship experience. Attendance is required and students are excused from their job to attend. Interns are invited to attend college guidance workshops throughout the year.
Before completing the internship application, please read the How To Apply page.
We are currently accepting applications for our Summer internship program.
If you have any questions, please contact Rebecca Dougherty at 212-601-0002 or

A Summer Internship Program...NYU Courant Institute Girls’ Science, Technology... For motivated and accomplished Juniors... Admissions will be on a rolling basis.

A Summer Internship Program

NYU Courant Institute Girls’ Science, Technology,

For motivated and accomplished Juniors

Engineering and Mathematics Summer Program


Be among the first to participate in...

NYU Courant Institute Girls’ Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Summer Program

NYU GSTEM ( is a six-week program patterned after a similar program at MIT. High school girls will live at home and commute to internship sites for 4.5 weeks. They will work on a small project alongside researchers in the mathematical and physical sciences, produce a brief paper about their work, and deliver a short oral presentation to their peers. A week of preparatory lectures and workshops will precede the internship. One day in each of the other weeks will be a 'campus day', when the girls will be brought together for lectures, workshops, and field trips. Tutors will support participants. They will help them adjust to laboratory work, prepare their final talk and paper, and provide other intellectual and emotional supports.

A short calendar of events: 

July 8 -12: Preparatory lectures and workshops 

July 15 - August 13: Internships and campus days (Wednesdays) 

August 14-16: Final convocation and conclusion of program

The Sloan Foundation grant pays for all of the cost of this program except for the tuition of $2600 for each student. There are scholarships available for students who cannot afford the full tuition.

If you are a girl who is a high school junior and believe you would perform well in this rich but rigorous environment, complete the application online by June 12 at ( Admissions will be on a rolling basis.

Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences

251 Mercer Street, Room 726 - New York, New York 10012

For questions, contact Dr. Matthew Leingang, Dr. Julia Rankin or Dr. Mark Saul:

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Looking for teen opportunity programs in NYC?

Looking for teen opportunity programs in NYC?  

Tons and tons and tons of brilliant opportunities!

With thanks to Scarlet Frias, class of 2015 for suggesting this

Thursday, April 4, 2013

AIDS Walk... May 19, 2013

Event: May 19, 2013
Contact: Caitlin Mintz at

AIDS Walk New York is a time for students, teachers, family, and friends to get together; show support for those living with HIV/AIDS; and walk in memory of loved ones. By forming a school team, you are becoming an essential part of AIDS Walk New York’s success. Form your team by visiting our website, or by calling 212-807-9255. Then you can start planning exciting fundraisers, attend helpful Team Leader workshops, andreceive a number of one-of-a-kind fundraising awards. Be a part of the world’s largest AIDS Walk and help us make AIDS history.  Learn more and register.

GetReel Film Program! Sophomores, juniors, seniors! April 3, 2013

‘Get Reel With Your Dreams 2013’ is off and running!

O.K. students listens up!  If you’re interested in the television or film industry this is one program you don’t want to miss. Now in it’s fifth year, Get Reel With Your Dreams exposes 300 high school sophomore, juniors and seniors from New York City, Connecticut and New Jersey to top professionals in the business. These insiders not only teach students about their respective professions and expertise - they also remind and encourage students to ‘Get Reel’ about the dedication and sacrifices they’ll need to make in order to pursue their dreams. Students get ‘inside track’ advice from pros who know - and exposure to a whole new world of possibilities!  Not to mention students are immersed in one-on-one workshops by the best in the business.

Are you interested in becoming a journalist, an actor, director, cinematographer, producer, writer, even a sports reporter - than come check us out.  Or what about becoming a stylist to the stars, a movie critic or how about a dancer on Broadway? Get Reel will show you how to break into the industry.  The program without a doubt will inspire you to reach your dreams.  The very first scholarship winner of Get Reel is reaching hers.  Alyssa Wilson used her winning scholarship at NYU Film School after graduating from Edward R. Murrow High School in Brooklyn.  Get Reel then helped her get an internship at WABC-TV in NY, the number one local news station in the country.  After completing that internship, Alyssa traveled abroad, moving to London for an internship at the BBC.   Finally returning to New York over the summer to finish her last year at college, Alyssa is now getting a paid internship at the Jimmy Fallon show. We're proud to say that Alyssa is graduating this year! Follow in her footsteps.  Get Reel is fun, informative and inspiring, so get your entry submission in by April 3!

Student Registration Rules

Welcome students, parents and teachers! Get Reel is thrilled to invite every high school sophomore, junior and senior in the tri-state area to register for this year’s program.  Please note, due to space limitations - competition for this year will truly be its stiffest ever.  Students submit your best application possible!  Special consideration will be given to those with  powerful,  open,  honest essays with strong commitments to community.

Give Back to Your Community

Every student must complete one day of community service approved by his/her teacher. Please tell us what you did on the registration page. All community service will be verified by your teacher. Failure to complete community service will disqualify your submission. If you need ideas on what to do, please ask your teacher for advise. Some students have turned giving back into an entire school project.

Write an Essay

Every student must complete an essay telling us who they are - why they feel they should be chosen to attend Get Reel - AND MOST IMPORTANTLY - they must share a specific and original  idea that, if implemented, could vastly improve either their school, community, hometown, city or state. Failure to incorporate these elements will disqualify submission. Give it to us straight - share your  story -  your ups - your downs - and the best idea you can imagine! Tell us why we should select you out of the thousands of entries. We highly recommend that you write your essay before you go to the registration page (this will allow you to perfect your essay) then paste your final draft in the space provided. Essays must be 1000 words or less.

Make Your Submission Before the Deadline

On April 12, 2013 the registration page will stop accepting submissions at midnight. Be sure to get yours in on time! No late entries! No exceptions.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Summer Youth Employment Program Summer 2013

The Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP) provides New York City youth between the ages of 14 and 24 with summer employment and educational experiences that capitalize on their individual strengths, develop their skills and competencies, and connect them to positive adult role models. SYEP Provides seven weeks of entry-level work experience in a variety of jobs at community-based organizations, government agencies and private sector businesses.  In 2012 DYCD employed approximately 30,000 participants and placed them at 5,677 worksites.  Participants work in a variety of entry-level jobs at government agencies, hospitals, summer camps, nonprofits, small businesses, law firms, museums, sports enterprises, and retail organizations.
The Summer Youth Employment Program is designed to:
  • Emphasize real-world labor expectations
  • Increase awareness of services offered by local community-based organizations
  • Provide opportunities for career instruction, financial literacy training, academic improvement, and social growth
 The 2012 Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP) ended on August 18. A total of 29,416 youth worked this summer over the seven weeks of the program at 5,677 worksites located throughout the City. This year, DYCD received 132,593 applications. Participants work up to 25 hours a week and earn the minimum wage of $7.25. SYEP is a seven-week program open to all New York City residents between the ages of 14-24.

FREE! Inwood Hill Park Orienteering, Saturday, April 27, 2013 1:00 p.m.

Inwood Hill Park Orienteering

1:00 p.m.

Saturday, April 27, 2013
Learn how to navigate using a map and compass on our Orienteering programs.
 Orienteering programs feature intensity levels ranging from light (a leisurely stroll on mostly paved paths),moderate (longer, faster paced hikes on rugged terrain), to vigorous (long distance, with hills and rugged terrain).  For all hiking programs we recommend wearing comfortable shoes or boots, and packing water and a light snack. 


Map data ©2013 Google - Terms of Use


Seaman Avenue & Isham Street Entrance in Inwood Hill Park
Directions to this location



Event Organizer

Contact Number

(212) 628-2345