Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Young People's Peace and Justice Conference


Young People's Peace and Justice Conference

Young People's Peace and Justice Conference


July 12 - 13, 2013
The 2013 Young People's Peace and Justice Conference (YPPJ) is a two-day community-building conference with a purpose to harness youth dialogue, awareness, engagement, and skills building around social justice issues. The tagline of this year's conference is "Facing Violence and Finding Love," and we aim to encourage our community and its young people to deconstruct violence, analyze its role in our lives and world, and to develop practical and applicable ideas and strategies around embracing love and peace in the interest of social responsibility and justice. YPPJ will equip participants with concrete strategies, skills, and resources for engaging in social justice work in our communities and around the world.
We would like the community to be involved in many ways including conducting workshops, skill-share sessions, and caucuses; submitting visual art to our two-day exhibition and live auction; joining a committee to assist in organizing YPPJ, becoming an intern, or volunteering your time by guiding a healing space, being a break room buddy, or many other ways. Read below and follow the links to find out more about how you can be involved.

Call for Proposals

We invite both individuals and groups to submit proposals to facilitate and lead interactive and interdisciplinary workshops, skill-sharing sessions, and caucuses focused on social justice issues that allow participants to interrogate notions of violence and/or love from various lenses.

Calls for Healing Space & Break Room Buddies

Guide a Healing Space! Healing Spaces are hour-long rotating sessions that participants can attend to learn about and exercise a healing practice - like yoga. Healing practitioners from all backgrounds are encouraged to submit proposals.
Become a Break Room Buddy! As participants journey through the conference and engage in various workshops, skill-shares, caucuses, and healing spaces, it is anticipated that some attendees will need a break to decompress or recover from emotional exhaustion. We are currently seeking experienced youth workers, counselors, social workers, social work students, crisis counselors, or those trained in crisis behavior management work, to be Break Room Buddies during the conference. Break Room Buddies can play various roles, from doling out refreshments to speaking with participants about what is on their mind. Break Room Buddies are not required to spend the entirety of the conference in their break rooms and will be scheduled for hour-long shifts.

Call for Visual Artists

The Young People's Peace and Justice Conference is seeking visual artists (painting, illustration, drawing, photography, video, sculpture, and mixed media) with work centered on issues or themes about social justice, violence, or healing to submit their art to be displayed during our conference as part of the Peace & Justice Exhibition. Artists may also indicate, on their applications, if they would like their art to be entered into a live silent auction. All proceeds from the sale will go to the artist.

Call for Community Committee Members, Interns & Volunteers

We are currently seeking Community Committee members, interns and volunteers interested in organizing the Young People's Peace and Justice Conference or helping out the day of the event which will take place July 12 - 13, 2013. Those with interest and expertise in the following areas are encouraged to join: music & production, art & design, social media & marketing, photography & media, community organizing & social justice activism, conference & event planning, violence & anti-violence work, youth advocacy & teaching, and LGBT issues.

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