Monday, April 22, 2013

In collaboration with our partners, Girl Up will host the 2nd annual Girl Up Leadership Summit in the nation’s capital, Washington, DC.

In collaboration with our partners, Girl Up will host the 2nd annual Girl Up Leadership Summit in the nation’s capital, Washington, DC. Between June 10 and 12, the Leadership Summit will convene 150 youth supporters from across the United States to dive deeper into the Girl Up campaign through three days of powerful speakers, skills-based workshops and advocacy on Capitol Hill.

Girl Up Teen Advisors and Youth Champions will co-facilitate the days along with Girl Up staff. Issue-area experts, celebrity Champions and thought leaders will join us to share the best and brightest ideas. Partners and affiliates will lead skills-based workshops. Participants will walk away more educated, motivated and inspired to continue tackling the inequalities facing adolescent girls in developing countries.

Highlights from last year’s Summit included Girl Up Champion Monique Coleman, White House Speech Writer Sarah Hurwitz and a live Skype call with students from Oprah Winfrey’s Leadership Academy in South Africa. This year’s summit will incorporate new speakers, workshops and activities. Tentative plans include meeting with elected officials, a mentoring lunch with professional women and an exclusive film screening.

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