Thursday, October 15, 2015

FALL 2015. American Musuem of Natural History One Day Workshop... FREE Saturday, November 7, 2015... Due: 10/25/15

Inside/Outside Birds
With nearly ten-thousand different species living on all seven continents, birds are everywhere. Birds have captivated scientists for centuries, with dramatic diversity of their anatomy, plumage, and behavior. In this special one-day high school workshop students will explore how museum ornithologists study the diversity of birds around the world; from tropical forests to our own backyards. We will visit the museum’s vast ornithology collection which holds nearly one million skins, skeletons, eggs, nests and tissue samples. Researchers from the museum will guide students through the process of preparing a bird specimen for a research collection, and learn how specimens can help answer big scientific questions about the biology, evolution, and ecology of birds.

Application Due Date: October 25, 11:59pm

Please contact with any questions or concerns regarding the class.

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