Wednesday, June 18, 2014

WHEELS Volunteer Opportunities for the 2014-2015 school year! The Fortune Society

Founded in 1967, The Fortune Society’s vision is to create a world where all who are incarcerated or formerly incarcerated can become positive, contributing members of society. We do this through a holistic, one-stop model of service provision. Our continuum of care, informed and implemented by professionals with cultural backgrounds and life experiences similar to those of our clients, helps ensure their success. Fortune serves approximately 4,500 men and women annually via three primary New York City-area locations: our service center in Long Island City, and both the Fortune Academy (a.k.a. “the Castle”) and Castle Gardens in West Harlem. Our program models are frequently recognized, both nationally and internationally, for their quality and innovation. 
No Appointment Needed. Call us or stop by today to learn more.

Interested in learning about The Ship's First Shape, a triangulated partnerships (WHEELS students, The Fortune Society Students and Parsons New School for Design students)?

See Ms. MacNeil, who will connect you with WHEELS student leaders. 

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