Wednesday, June 18, 2014

September 2014 Volunteer Opportunities... WHEELS Student Docents for the 2014-2015 school year!

Apply to become a WHEELS Student Docent!

Greet visitors.
At WHEELS, we open our doors to hundreds of visitors each year. 

Give tours. 
Folks often want to know how stuff we live out day-to-day: 
what we're learning; how classes fit together; how expeditions work; what crew is like.  

Serve on panels.
Recent panelists have spoken on views on the college application process, what it means to be a student athlete; how we embody a commitment to social justice and civic engagement through our participation in the life of our school community. 

Tell a story of WHEELS.
There is no single story of the founding and growing of WHEELS, only our individual and collective ones.  Tell yours. 

Contact Ms. MacNeil for an interview for the 2014-2015 school year! 

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