Wednesday, June 18, 2014

ELLA Fellowship at Sadie Nash ($300/month for your own social justice project, women of WHEELS)... Due: August 16, 2014



Sadie Nash is designed to guide young women through a process in which they come to understand the importance of their individual life experiences, and how these experiences can be applied to taking action and making change. We are an educational and advocacy program that provides young women the opportunity to analyze and explore the very nature of leadership.  

Our philosophy, which is our guiding force, is built on the following beliefs:
  • that the foundation of leadership lies in service and activism
  • that positive reform will result from challenging accepted notions of leadership
  • and that young women can be a catalyst for social change.

The ELLA Fellowship Program is based on SNLP’s central philosophy that opportunities for community leadership are integral to addressing issues affecting young women. ELLA is named for social activist, Ella Baker, and stands for Engage, Learn, Lead and Act. It is also means “she” in Spanish.

This Fellowship – the only one of its kind for young women that we know of – offers a 9-month, in-depth leadership training. Fellows are supported in designing and implementing a project to address a social justice issue in a community with which they identify. Program goals are to expand young women’s understanding of leadership, to deepen their program management skills, and to enhance young women’s confidence, resourcefulness, and creativity, as well as their potential for effective community leadership.

We are currently seeking applications for the 2013-2014 ELLA Fellowship Program. The application deadline is Friday, August 16th, 2013! 

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