Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Looking for a last minute summer opportunity, women of WHEELS? Due: June 18,2 014 If you were given $100,000 to create a start up business / invention, what would you do?

If you were given $100,000 to create a start up business / invention, what would you do?


PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE be passionate about you new company!  Let it be something you will love doing and working on every day of your life!  It can be a brand new endeavor or an idea you have seen and you plan on making better, the possibilities are ENDLESS!!!


Be sure to include (not limited to):


LOCATION LOCATION LOCATION!!! Where will you operate? What state? What country? From your house? From an office space? How will this benefit your business?

Itemized budget (Now do not stress yourself out, I simply want to see how much you plan on spending in each area that you need for your company to function).

EVERYTHING THAT YOU WOULD NEED (do not forget employees, marketing material, reserve funds, supplies, etc.  This WILL require some internet research at a minimum)

Supply and demand: who needs what you are offering and why? (Target audience)

What will your company need to survive after the $100,000 has been spent


Few Facts:

NO fee to attend the institute once accepted

There are 12 open and available slots

Attendance is required every day from 9am - 5pm

      (times subject to change)

Ladies are responsible for cost of transportation to the institute

       as well as around the city.  A metrocard is strongly encouraged.  

       Danielle Emanuel Enterprises will provide round trip transportation

       from Long Island to the institute

Breakfast and lunch will be provided

All course materials will be provided

A strict profession dress code will be enforced

Parents/guardians/support systems are encouraged to be a part of this experience from completing the essay application to completing the entire program

Some of what can be expected:

Incredible field trips to some of the most influnetial companies of present day

Opportunity to create your own marketing plan

Amazing discussions with likeminded peers and professionals alike

Assistance with the college process

Discovering the ins and outs of running a business, owning a business, and being a business

A lot of fun while you figure out what YOU want from life!

Experiences and memories of a lifetime!



Essay applications are due JUNE 18, 2014.  Applications can be mailed to:


Danielle Emanuel Enterprises

96-01 Springfield Blvd

Queens Village, NY 11429


or emailed to:


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