Wednesday, June 18, 2014

WHEELS Volunteer Opportunities for the 2014-2015 school year! Critical Resistance, building an international movement to abolish the prison industrial complex... New York Chapter forming and accepting student members...


There are many ways to join Critical Resistance in building an international movement to abolish the prison industrial complex: 


There are many ways to get involved in local organizing. Contact your local chapter (Los AngelesNew OrleansNew YorkOaklandPortland), or the national office to find out about volunteering or internships.
As an almost entirely volunteer member organization, we need you! Our members develop and carry out organizing projects and campaigns with the support of the paid staff. The national organization is the sum of all our members. We also operate as a non-hierarchical organization. There are no bosses and no single leaders in CR. We work collectively and make decisions by consensus.
CR members come from a variety of positions of race, class, gender, age, and ability. We believe that working across these differences makes CR stronger. We will not support work that alienates or discriminates against people based on our different positions.
Although all our chapters have the independence to take up work and make decisions that will help their local work be successful, we are all joined by a common mission and by accountability to building Critical Resistance and to making our vision common sense.
Our work reflects the local problems we think are most pressing and local solutions we think are most appropriate. Chapter projects range from fighting gang injunctions and policing in working class communities of color, to community education projects, to opposing the practice of imprisoning people who cannot pay their fines to the courts, to grassroots campaigns to oppose prison expansion. What unites all of these projects is a commitment to working for the eventual elimination of the PIC as well as to taking practical steps to create the communities we envision for ourselves.
Becoming a member of Critical Resistance is the best way to keep this movement alive, sustaining our organizing to stop prison construction, mobilize communities most impacted by the prison industrial complex, and find alternatives to punishment and repression that truly make our communities stable and secure.
For more information, contact:

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