Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Service in the Schools CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS Is your crew doing service in response to COVID-19 needs?

Is your crew doing service in response to COVID-19 needs?  Consider sharing your work here...

We Want to Hear From You!
We want to feature your school’s service-learning projects on social media or in our newsletter, especially if they relate to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Let us know how you are taking service-learning remote and how you and your students are supporting each other and your community. Send us an email at serviceinschools@schools.nyc.gov for a chance to be featured.

Does your school have a great service project to share? If so, the Service in Schools team wants to know!

Invite the Service in Schools team to visit your service project. We want to see your students and school community in action. Email the Service in Schools team at ServiceinSchools@schools.nyc.gov with two weeks’ notice, and we’ll schedule a visit to your school to learn about your project and see the impact you’re making on the community. 
Follow @ServicenSchools on Twitter and @ServiceinSchools on Instagram to receive program updates, upcoming service opportunities, resources, and more. We encourage students who use social media and are interested in service opportunities to follow us.

Mission: Service in Schools strives to expand the number of NYC students engaged in transformative community service and service-learning experiences that enable them to use their voice, skills, and critical thinking to strengthen communities. 

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