Monday, April 6, 2020

FREE Anti-Violence Project AVP for LGBTQAI folks experiencing harm

We hope you are all taking care of yourselves and each other in these times that are stressful for all of us. We are writing to let you know that due to the escalating situation around coronavirus, and in the interest of our collective community’s health and well-being, AVP has decided to close our offices for in-person appointments and walk-ins, beginning Monday 3/16/20 and extending at least through 3/31/20. 
We know this is a difficult time for our communities locally and across the globe, and that many of you may have been personally impacted by the spread of coronavirus, and the violence and bias that often accompanies crises like this. We understand that taking precautions around avoiding getting sick can often create heightened stress and anxieties .
We also know that our communities are strong and resilient, and that we come together to lift each other up during times like these. At AVP, we are committed to remaining a resource for you during this challenging time.
Despite closing our offices for appointments, we are still here for you. As always, our 24/7 English-Spanish hotline (212-714-1141) is up and running—and we will support you with counseling, safety planning, and finding resources, including medical care, and take reports on any violence you experience.
If you are a current client at AVP, you can remain in touch with the staff member with whom you are working (e.g. Advocate, Attorney, Clinician, Paralegal, etc.):
  • If you are in email contact with the staff member, reach out via email.  We can set up phone sessions and provide resources via email, as needed.
  • If you do not have email access, or are not in in email contact with the staff member, please call the office 212-714-1184. Follow instructions to leave a message for the staff member and they will return your call.
  • If you are experiencing an emergency, call the hotline 212-714-1141 and let the person you speak to know which staff member you are trying to reach. They will get the message to that staff member, who will reach out to you with the means you provide for safe contact.
AVP is aware that the current pandemic is resulting in racist bias, disrimination, and violence, particularly against those who are or perceived to be Asian or Asian-American, and that for LGBTQ folks who hold these identities, the bias may be compounded.
If you’re experiencing or witnessing any violence, including in relation to coronavirus, you can report to our hotline (212-714-1141) or online.
No one should experience bias, discrimination, or harassment around any parts of their identity, including their race, ethnicity, immigration status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, but we know it continues to happen, and may increase in times of crisis like this one.
AVP is still here for you: anyone can reach out to us, even if you have never received services with us before:
  • CALL OUR HOTLINE at 212-714-1141: Our 24/7 English-Spanish hotline is up and running—and we will support you with counseling, safety planning, and finding resources, including medical care, and take reports on any violence you are experiencing.
  • Report bias, discrimination, or other violence you witness or experience online at  You can remain anonymous or give us contact information for a counselor to reach out to you via phone or email to offer additional support.
During uncertain times, it’s important to find our grounding in what we do know and can do:
  • Everyday precautions can help protect you and your loved ones from getting sick. Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing, or having been in a public place.  Don’t touch your face.
  • If you are at higher riskof getting very sick from COVID-19, it is incredibly important that you reduce your risk of being exposed–stay home if you can, and avoid crowds.
  • Keep a 30 to 60-day supply of all necessary medications, particularly those who are living with HIV and/or have autoimmune deficiencies.
For continued updates: 
  • Call Department of Health 24/7 Hotline: 1-888-364-3065.
  • Go to and for regularly updated information.
  • Text COVID to 692-692 to receive NYC updates and guidance.
Please take care of yourselves and each other. 

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