Monday, April 6, 2020

FREE Brave New Shakespeare Challenge from The Public Theater April 2020

"O wonder!How many goodly creatures are there here!How beauteous mankind is! O, brave new worldThat has such people in it!"The Tempest, Act 5, Scene 1

Inspired by the joyous ways the world community is responding to this challenging time by creating performance, song, conversation, and connection, The Public Theater is inviting the world to use Shakespeare’s words to connect with friends, family, and communities, all from their homes.

Every week, across Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, we’ll focus on a different passage or scene from Shakespeare and invite everyone to join in and create.

We’ll start the week’s challenge by inviting actors and artists of The Public Theater family to record and share their interpretation of the week’s passage – and then IT’S UP TO YOU! Act out the passage, set it to music, dance to it, paint a picture, or translate it into your own words and language.

Be creative – we challenge you to be brave, have fun, and reimagine!
We'll post a new challenge right here every Sunday at 10AM ET:


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