Monday, April 6, 2020

NYCOB Summer courses application deadline extended to May 1, 2020 FREE

Hi, folks.

Attached is information about a summer opportunity for WHEELS students who are interested in applying to NYCOB summer adventure programs all over the United States.  While it seems that the programs are up in the air, to say the least, they have not yet been cancelled, so, if anyone is interested...

Most outdoor adventure courses are:
5-23 days
involve camping
involve hiking
involve backpacking
may involve canoeing
may involve rock climbing
may involve kayaking. 

All require a nomination from a crew leader.
All require a guardian's consent. 
All require flexibility (insofar as students will be asked to fill spots where there are openings). 
All require a completed application by May 1, 2020. 

All are 100% free for students who are accepted, inclusive of travel, gear, course participation, fees, etc. 

Check out the attached and let your crew leader and me know ASAP. 



For an idea of summer offerings, check out:

Applications are attached. 

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