Saturday, April 25, 2015

Social Justice Intensive at Sarah Lawrence College. Scholarships available. See Ms. MacNeil or Mr Fox for more information.

Social Justice Intensive

Sunday, July 12 - Saturday, August 1, 2015

Tuition: $2,550
Housing & Meal Plan: $2,100
Optional Field Trips: $40-$180 (depending on choices)
Optional Lunch-only meal plan for commuter students:

Registration for the 2015 summer session is now open!

Please click here to access the online registration page. Alternately, you may register over the phone at 914-395-2205.

Please email or call 914-395-2205 if you have questions, trouble with the online registration form, or need further information about anything. We look forward to hearing from you!
We welcome students entering the 10th, 11th or 12th grade in the fall of 2015.
This summer, immerse yourself in the study of social justice at Sarah Lawrence College! Designed to give high school students an immersive experience of the unique pedagogy of SLC, the social justice intensive provides students theoretical, historical, and present day perspectives on issues such as economics, gender, sexuality, and race. This non-credit interdisciplinary intensive will give students a chance to learn, discuss, and then apply their knowledge of the issues in a project of their own conception and design, guided by members of Sarah Lawrence’s award winning faculty. Students will have a chance to develop their academic skills in a rigorous intellectual environment by focusing on the social justice issues that matter most to them.  The three week session will culminate in public presentations of each student’s work. Commuter and residential options are both available for this program.

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